I've been looking to replace my cheap £20 tripod i bought from argos and cam across this one Velbon EL530 Carbon Fibre Tripod and PH250 Head any thoughts on this? It seems like a bargain to me.
I've been looking to replace my cheap £20 tripod i bought from argos and cam across this one Velbon EL530 Carbon Fibre Tripod and PH250 Head any thoughts on this? It seems like a bargain to me.
Looks like it is good to me; but I don't know. Mmm could have a look around
I'd give WE a call and ask them why this product is being offered at such a discount. At the same time I'd try and get to a camera store to see if they stocked this product so that I could check it out. It seems a very good deal, even though I don't know what Velbon is like nowadays. But they've been around for a long time and you don't do that unless you're making, at least, decent products.
My experience with Velbon as a videography teacher has been...I'll never buy another. I use Celestron for beginning students and Monfrotto for the advanced kids... Velbon used to be the go to equipment for entry or intermediate level tripods but of late, I find their equipment does not hold up to daily use.
I don't know about the velbon but I own the Jessops Major Carbon Fibre Tripod, which was bought last year. It' okbut I am sorry I did not keep the money to put towards a really good tripod like a Gitzo. A good tripod may be pricey but it will last and serve you well.
Best Wishes Pat
Velbon stuff is excellent value for money but personally I'd save the £50 and go with the Jessops one - head takes some getting used to but they do a Ball & Socket for less than £20 that goes well with it if you fancy other options. The Jessops one also comes with a short centre column that allows low level photography and from the picture I don't think the Velbon has a quick release plate which would drive me up the wall.
Do you think i'm best off saving some more and going for something better?
At the moment my current tripod is ok if it's not windy and the ground is fairly even but anything more than that and it's pretty much useless also, it's realy fiddly to get set up (for £20 it's ok) and i don't want to be spending £150 if it's only going to make things a bit better...
In a word - 'Yes'.
A tripod is, for most of us on a limited budget, a long-term investment. It's not a throw-away item where you can buy one today and a better one next week. So, you've survived and managed up to now with what you've got. If you can see a point in time (that's a realistic timescale for you) by when you will have managed to save enough for a higher quality tripod, then do it. You won't regret it.
And all the fantastic images that you're missing at the moment because you don't have it? They'll still be there waiting to be captured.
Carbon fibre tri-pods seem to be cheap right now. I bought one for about $200 Canadian a month ago. They also claimed that this was a huge savings. The tripod itself is very sturdy and stiff, and it is light, but I cannot speak to longevity. I did regret not buying one where the head can be changed out. It has a ball and socket type head, which just does not match what I wanted it for, which requires quick aim and lock, so basically, I am back to the drawing board and will have to put off the tripod I really want again because I didn't want to spend another $50 or so at the time.
I guess what I am saying is that I agree with Donald, make do with what you have until you can get the one you really need for what you do, you won't regret it. Don't get sucked in by a small savings for the wrong thing. My tripod is a carbon fibre job is fine tripod, and it looks like it will give me many years of use and is a huge upgrade from the cheapie one I was using. I just regret buying it to save a few dollars off of what I really wanted.
I find anything that is cheap, is often not worth the trouble - you have to pay to buy quality.
"In seven days God created the world, everything else is made in China"
I had a slik for many years till my wife gave it away and substuted one day with a broken large and cumbersome slik video tripod . I wasn't happy with money tight and all. So i looked around and since i haven't shot for about 10yrs the prices have changed. So i bought a Sunpak aluminum with a ball head . and quick release for about $150.00 american Replaced it she didn't i even noticed the difference . Sorry I like it and it will serve my purpose . The carbon fiber were $300.00 and more and some didn't have a ball head and the Manfrotto's were just too expensive since i don't shoot professionally any more. The Sunpak seems pretty sturdy for my uses and its light enough for an old grand pa like me.