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17th February 2011, 04:36 AM
Blue Chair on the Dock
Thanks for viewing my picture. Your comments and critiques are welcomed and appreciated.
Thanks again,

17th February 2011, 04:52 AM
Re: Blue Chair on the Dock
Hi Rob,
This does bring some memories for me of a small trip I had down your way. I can see the blue chair but there is something else at the end of the pier that is larger (and brighter – some silver) that keeps drawing my attention away from what you want to be centre of interest.
While the eye can see a lot of subtle tones in foliage the camera tends to make it all one dimensional – flat. I think if you had cropped in very tightly on the chair and the dock it would have been a stronger shot.
17th February 2011, 05:09 AM
Re: Blue Chair on the Dock
Thanks Peter,
I removed the davit from the left side and the fireplace from behind the chair. I did not want to crop it anymore than this because I like the chair’s reflection in the water and the blue sky.
17th February 2011, 05:14 AM
Re: Blue Chair on the Dock
To me that is much better. I can see a point of interest and I agree the reflection is good. The blue in the sky and chair match to balance the image and the bit of foliage in front puts a floor to the image and gives it depth. Nice work Rob.
But I am sure others will have another view and isn't that the best bit about photography.
17th February 2011, 05:23 AM
Re: Blue Chair on the Dock
Yes it is! And that’s some of the reasons we post our pics.
Thanks again,
17th February 2011, 05:08 PM
Re: Blue Chair on the Dock
I like the first better than the second. It is closer, more intimate, and the chair is not lost as in the wider image. I agree there is some lack of variation in the green foliage but that might be improved if you are familiar with the Lab colour space - it isn't just a matter of saturation.
They are nice photos, I wish our skies were like that.
17th February 2011, 05:44 PM
Re: Blue Chair on the Dock
Thanks for commenting John,
I’m not familiar with the Lab color space so I’ll have to look into it. The winter is looking like it will soon be over, not that we have bad winters, but I’ll be glad when it’s gone.
17th February 2011, 06:47 PM
Re: Blue Chair on the Dock
My first thought was that it needs a slight crop. But I suspect that I wouldn't have cropped quite so hard.
And I'm still not sure about the davit. In some ways it balanced the chair and helped to break up that expanse of greenery behind it. But I'm not totally sure so I would have to see the cropped version plus davit in order to make a decision.
I think I would leave the second photo as it is now.
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