NX2 has a non-lens-specific distortion control, which is very useful at the 18mm end of my 18-135 kit lens. I immediately saw what you meant about correcting things one had not noticed were wrong on the 350D+Sigma 50-150 shot....but, for my landscapes, it only matters when a horizon becomes bowed or upright objects near edges lean in & NX2 is fine for that. For someone doing buildings it could be more valuable to have the more powerful DxO job.
NX2 although nominally an upgrade of NX1.3, is virtually a new program. It keeps some of the classic Capture tools, but the difference is that the dodgy 'U-point' is superseded by selections on which absolutely all enhancements can be applied. Also much faster on core2duo chip so you get right away from the preview+disappointment syndrome. I have a thread here + pbase intro gallery on NX2.
My belief is that NX2 can do everything in the way of photographic editing that PS can do, but there is no cut&paste nor full clone set, fancy borders; if you want filters you have to go to Nik software/effex (yuk). I also use PSE as a host for FocusMagic, which is a more sophisticated sharpener than usm and also has an excellent movement correction (see pbase sheet). There is also the advantage that all editing work can be re-accessed for fine tuning later with the edit instructions kept as in DxO 'sidecar', not making up a mega .psd file, which still only allows you to adjust the opacity of a layer on re-open rather than the tool settings that went into it.