While I realize that using a laptop for photo editing is not necessarily the preferred choice, I am on the “road” a lot (6 months a year) and find that I need to do a lot, if not a majority, of editing and computing on one.
I kind of messed myself up a couple of years ago. Long story shortened, I own a Mac, but eventually decided I wanted a laptop to haul around with me. At the time, I wasn’t really into photography so instead of staying with the OSX platform (and paying a huge premium) I went with Windows and a much less expensive laptop. Got into photography after this purchase, and wound up with CS5-Windows on my laptop.
In a couple of months or so I want to upgrade my laptop to something quite a bit better than what I am using now. I would definitely consider Apple, but if I do I am looking at a big expenditure on top of their premium pricing for putting a Mac version of CS5 on it. Not to mention a couple of plug-ins I have, and some other non photography apps that are either Windows or Mac, but not both without an additional copy. I may decide this is cost prohibitive due to the fact that I’m probably going to be maxing the budget on a machine. And I will surely max out (and probably then some) if I go with a Macbook and a new copy of Photoshop and other software.
So since my Lovely and Charming’s computer is going to need an upgrade soon also, and she is strictly Windows, I am thinking seriously about sticking with the Windows platform for my laptop purchase. I’ll get her a killer Windows based workstation that I can horn in on to run PS and with a nice monitor!
Now to the point. Would anyone have any suggestions, advice, recommendations, warnings, etc. about various laptops and their suitability for photo editing? Particularly regarding display quality as pertains to photo editing? I realize laptop displays aren’t the best option, but I need to have something! So I’m just going to have to do the best I can with the situation I have and that means mobility!
The most intensive use will be running Photoshop (but sometimes with very large and multiple composite files). My other uses are relatively tame, but I will have it connected to the internet, and sometimes like to have 3-4 tabs open in IE and 2-3 applications (Word, maybe some mapping software, things like that) going. So some multitasking will be happening. No gaming at all.
Any thoughts?