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Thread: nikon 18-200 f3.5 or 70-300 f4.5 for track and field.

  1. #1
    Badcast's Avatar
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    nikon 18-200 f3.5 or 70-300 f4.5 for track and field.

    I want to shoot a track and field event this spring and I would like some input. Its during the day so light should not be to much of a factor as far as very low light. I want to buy a nice tele but I am on a budget, well thats what my wife said anyway I've been looking at the 18-200 f3.5 and the 70-300 f4.5 both have the VRll. I have a 85mm f1.8 but no zoom tele. My question is at the long end range of these 2 will I have a fast enough shutter speed to stop motion 1/500 or faster without blowing up my iso. I can't afford a 2.8 so thats out. If someone could tell me the settings they use and the results I could make a better informed decision. I'm using a Nikon D90. Also I have good access on the field so I could use the 85 if I had to but a zoom would save my legs and help with less croping.


  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: nikon 18-200 f3.5 or 70-300 f4.5 for track and field.

    I recommend that you might investigate the TAMRON 70-300mm VC for NIKON. This lens has won several awards and may or may not be better than the Nikon options within its price range. I have never used the lens (I am a Canon guy) but, I have heard many good things about it and it may be an something to investigate. Using ISO 400 (which most modern DSLR cameras can handle with ease) you will achieve a 1/1600 shutter speed at f/8 and 1/3,200 speed at f/5.6 in bright daylight.

    BTW: There are lens "reviews" and lens "quasi-reviews". Be careful of the latter because they are simply a regurgitation of the manufacturer's press releases. I have never seen a manufacturer's press release that says anything negative regarding their product. As an example, Canon's press releases even claimed that their absolutely terrible 75-300mm IS lens is a decent piece of glass. It is actually best to use that lens as a paperweight because if it rolls off the table; it is no big loss.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 28th February 2011 at 05:26 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: nikon 18-200 f3.5 or 70-300 f4.5 for track and field.

    Hi Randy,

    Could you do us a favour and edit your profile and put Randy in the Real Name field please?
    Just that we much prefer real names to usernames here - thanks in advance.

    I have both lenses and personally I would not entertain a third party one, but that's just me, many are happy with theirs, so they can't all be bad.

    I would agree the 70-300mm unless "I have good access on the field" means you might be in amongst the athletes where the 70mm minimum will be too close on a D90.

    Both will give better quality at f/8 at their respective 'far ends' rather than wide open (f/5.6). On a D90, with the same sensor as my D5000, I wouldn't be shy of using iso 800, or 1600 (at a push on a really dull day), in order to get the shutter speeds to stop motion.

    You will benefit from shooting RAW and having something like Neat Image though (to deal with the noise if you need to crop significantly).

    Developing a good panning technique will be key to success too.

    Hope that helps, and welcome to the CiC forums from ...

  4. #4
    Badcast's Avatar
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    Re: nikon 18-200 f3.5 or 70-300 f4.5 for track and field.

    rpcrow and Dave, thank you for your input, your experience helps me alot. I don't want to buy glass that just sits in my bag and doesn't get used.
    thanks again


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