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Thread: More from our small Historical Society

  1. #1
    ucci's Avatar
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    Seymour, Vic., Land of Oz
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    Ken Outch

    More from our small Historical Society

    This, believe it or not, is a water pipe which was part of the reticulated mains system which supplied water to Seymour households back in the late 1800's. These water pipes were made of wood which was then coated with tar and bound with wire.
    More from our small Historical Society

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: More from our small Historical Society


    You've got good sharpness on the end of the pipe. The area in focus drops off pretty quickly from about the metal band. I notice you were at 1/60@f5 with the Canon 18-55 IS lens. Did you consider reducing the shutter to 1/30 or even 1/15 in order to close down the aperture and increase the depth-of-field? Or maybe you wanted a pretty small depth-of-field on the pipe?

  3. #3
    ucci's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Seymour, Vic., Land of Oz
    Real Name
    Ken Outch

    Re: More from our small Historical Society

    Hi Donald
    No I didn't. Not being the brightest candle on the cake in these matters it never occurred to me. What I was trying to do was to accentuate the structure of the open end of the pipe and to give impression of the pipe receeding into the distance, a sort of a 3D effect. I was tring to make the pipe 'protrude' from the background towards the viewer. How well I succeeded in this is, of course, an entirely different matter. I used the AV setting for the shot, so the f5 is my doing. The 1/60 was entirely the responsibility of the camera!
    Thank you for your helpful comments. I will return to the site of the shooting and renact the crime, but under a different setting! Be most interested to compare the outcomes.

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