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Thread: Tried out a color checker card. C&C

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Tried out a color checker card. C&C

    Tried out a color checker card. C&C

    I adjusted the colors to match a color checker and gray card. There was light coming in from behind, which I liked in the candle holder, but it kind of ruined the wood surface, I tried to save it with a select color burn, but I don't think it really worked.

    Sometimes you guys point stuff out I didn't even think to ask about, so please chime in if you see something.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Panama City, FL
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    Re: Tried out a color checker card. C&C

    The only thing I would do if using a color checker card is ensure the lighting was dead-on across the plane - left to right, top to bottom. I did one recently using the light under an awning on a slightly overcast day. I used my Pentax Spot meter to pinpoitn any lighting abberations before shooting at a direct 45 degree angle. I was rather surprised at how well both my monitors matched to this setup. One thing I notice you don't have in your setup is a color match card. I shoot the supplied one in the scene so I have a prescribed match to the one on the screen (it's a matched set). I'm certainly no expert and I am sure there are those out there who will get a good chuffaw out of my method, but when printing, I am dead spot-on in my results.

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