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Thread: help with exif

  1. #1

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    help with exif

    When I downloaded my February images from my new camera I found that the date in the exif data read 2010 instead of 2011. The camera will not let me alter this. I didn't own it in Feb 2010. The month and date are OK. The camera is a Nikon d3s. Does anybody know if there is a way to correct this. I don't know how to add my name but it is Angela.
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 14th March 2011 at 01:27 AM.

  2. #2

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    Re: help with exif

    Quote Originally Posted by nitrus View Post
    When I downloaded my february images from my new camera I found that the date in the exif data read 2010 instead of 2011. The camera will not let me alter this. I didn't own it in feb 2010. the month and date are OK. the camera is a nikon d3s. Does anybody know if there is a way to correct this. I don't know how to ad my name but it is angela
    Hi Angela,

    I'm a bit confused as to what you mean by "the camera will not let me alter this" - it's not going to alter the year on the photos you've already taken, but I can't think of a reason why you can't change it in the camera so that all future photos are correct.

    Have you checked the manual on how to change the date/time?

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: help with exif

    Quote Originally Posted by nitrus View Post
    When I downloaded my February images from my new camera I found that the date in the exif data read 2010 instead of 2011. The camera will not let me alter this. I didn't own it in Feb 2010. The month and date are OK. The camera is a Nikon d3s. Does anybody know if there is a way to correct this. I don't know how to add my name but it is Angela.
    Hi Angela,

    I think I know what the problem is - and it isn't the camera at all (unless D3s is different to my D5000).

    I have a "(C)2011 Dave Humphries, all rights reserved" text entry in one of the EXIF fields in my picture import program; Nikon ViewNX + Nikon Transfer.

    If you are using ViewNX too, here's how to access it;
    1) Start ViewNX
    2) from menu bar select Edit > Options
    3) in left pane, select XMP/IPTC Preset
    4) Look in the Description section, last item "Copyright Notice"
    5) manually edit the text to say "2011"
    6) Click OK button

    The next time you import pictures, it will be OK.

    Only minor complication is that there are 3 varieties, I use the top one "Copyright Only" (it defaults to this on opening the options), but if you're using "Exhibition" or "Wedding", they may also need editing.

    I went through half of 2010 before I found it and changed it from 2009
    This year, I was ready

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ...

  4. #4

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    Re: help with exif

    I am not making myself clear, sorry. I have a lot of pictures taken in feb 2011 but the EXIF data says the date is 2010. This is the first real shoot I've done with this camera. I have tried to correct this by putting the CF cards back in the camera and trying to change the date in each image EXIF data but this does not work. I've also tried to do it in Bridge on the RAW files but it says that it cannot be altered. My question is is there some method for correcting the date once it has already been entered. I already sent this reply but for some reason it isn't showing up.

  5. #5

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    Re: help with exif

    there are programmes available that allow you to change the exif data, i cant remember one off the top of my head, you cant change it with progs like bridge or viewNX,
    i trust you have now already changed the camera to the proper date so i wont happen again ? cheers martyn
    ps it sounds like the camera is beyond repair, you can send it to me so i can hang it on my wall.

  6. #6

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    Re: help with exif

    heres one called Picture Information Extractor 5.8
    available as freeware from
    i havent tried it ,maybe someone has or can recommend something better ? you have to be so careful with freebies,cheers martyn

  7. #7
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: help with exif

    Another program that will work (and is also free) is JHead. I use this program to handle the rotations of my photos based on the exif data. It can also be used to edit a lot of the exif tags. It is command line program, so if you're not comfortable with that, you might want to pass.


    - Bill

  8. #8

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    Re: help with exif

    Thanks very much Martyn for looking that up. I went to the website and unfortunately their programs seem to be for Windows only and I only have the apple. I got another tip on another website about Photomechanic, I'd never heard of it but I'm going to investigate now. I'm not sure how legal it is to alter EXIF data but if it's wrong...
    PS I love this camera, it's the best one I've ever had pity I'm not more up to it.

  9. #9
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: help with exif

    Ok. Fasten your seatbelt. It's going to be a bumpy ride. I only have the apple, too, but I got mine because I'm an oldtimey UNIX geek and I wanted a UNIX command line and Photoshop/Lightroom/InDesign . Also XCode, but that's another story.

    I recommend using Exiftool, but this is a perl script. It's a command-line you-gotta-go-to-the-Terminal thing, so if you're not comfortable with that, go find a geek friend who can do this for you.

    1. Basically, download exiftool and install it.
    2. Open up a terminal window. (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal)
    3. cd to the directory where the folder of screwed up photos lives.
      (I.e., if you put all the photos into a folder called "bad_year" into your Pictures folder, you'd type in cd Pictures).
    4. Run the following command:

      exiftool "-DateTimeOriginal+=1:0:0 0" dir

      where dir is the name of the folder that contains your photos (in the example above you'd use, bad_year).

    The -DateTimeOriginal+= bit is telling exiftool to use the original date/time in the EXIF, and then add a shift factor to it. The shift factor is given as two sets of colon-separate numbers: years:months:days, a space, and then hours:minutes:seconds. So, say, if a week from now, you find out you forgot to shift your camera's clock for daylight savings for your last shoot, you could use exiftool "-DateTimeOriginal+=0 1:0:0" dir, and in November, if you forgot to turn the camera's clock back, you could use exiftool "-DateTimeOriginal-=0 1:0:0" dir

    UNIX command line. Power tools for power fools.
    Last edited by inkista; 16th March 2011 at 02:42 AM.

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