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Thread: Yet another stupid question - Lightroom autoloads when attaching ext hard drive

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    mythlady's Avatar
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    Yet another stupid question - Lightroom autoloads when attaching ext hard drive

    . . . from the queen of stupid questions. I got this external hard drive and all is well, but somehow I managed to get it set up so that every time I plug in the darned thing, Lightroom pops up -- you know that little menu in Windows that pops up, asking what program you want to use to open something? Well, I think I clicked on LR without thinking what I was doing, so now it pops up every time I plug in the drive. I can't figure out how to get to that menu to un-check it. I don't want anything to pop up. Gaakh.

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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    I have a stupid question. My camera can shoot 6fps. What does this do when I take a picture in this mode.

  3. #3
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Change your Lightroom preference settings:

    Go to EDIT > PREFERENCES > On the General Menu, go to Import Options and then uncheck the box that say "Show import dialog when a memory card is detected." Hope this works, Elise.
    Last edited by jiro; 14th March 2011 at 08:20 PM.

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    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Quote Originally Posted by ljack41 View Post
    I have a stupid question. My camera can shoot 6fps. What does this do when I take a picture in this mode.
    That would mean you could have taken 6 images in a second. FPS means Frames Per Second. This is just an average as this value changes depending on your battery condition and how long you keep the shutter release pressed.

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    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Thank you, Jiro!!! I always feel so dumb when I do something like that.


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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    I feel so stupid here but all the cameras I have had were you aim, shoot and hope for the best. So when would I use the 6fps at sports events?

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    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Aha, I know this one -- you would use the continuous shooting mode (or whatever it's called on your camera) when you want to capture something that's in motion -- some guys jumping up around the basketball hoop, or hockey players zipping across the ice. It allows you to get shots in rapid succession. You need pretty good light, though, so you can have a faster shutter speed.

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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Quote Originally Posted by mythlady View Post
    Thank you, Jiro!!! I always feel so dumb when I do something like that.
    It also happens to me sometimes.

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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Quote Originally Posted by mythlady View Post
    Aha, I know this one -- you would use the continuous shooting mode (or whatever it's called on your camera) when you want to capture something that's in motion -- some guys jumping up around the basketball hoop, or hockey players zipping across the ice. It allows you to get shots in rapid succession. You need pretty good light, though, so you can have a faster shutter speed.
    You nailed it just right, Elise.

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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Thank you. as you can see I have a lot to learn here. thank you. Maybe you would use 6fps when trying to photogragh lightning. Could I get thown off here for being to dumb?

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    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Quote Originally Posted by ljack41 View Post
    Thank you. as you can see I have a lot to learn here. thank you. Maybe you would use 6fps when trying to photogragh lightning. Could I get thown off here for being to dumb?
    Uhh... Actually it works the other way. If you are shooting lightnings, you normally use a longer shutter speed so you can capture the path from the clouds to the ground. That would mean you have to set your camera to single-shot mode. If you live where there are a lot of cellphone communication towers nearby, it's the opposite: Lightning shoots from the ground up! I think the typical shutter speed is about 2 - 8 seconds with a very low ISO setting. Hope this helps, Larry.
    Last edited by jiro; 14th March 2011 at 08:52 PM.

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    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Quote Originally Posted by jiro View Post
    It also happens to me sometimes.
    I somehow doubt this, but you are a very kind gentleman to say so
    Elise - Please take care when packing that 'crown' (for Queen of Dumb Questions) it needs to arrive safely as I need to wear it quite often

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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Larry, if anyone could be thrown off here for asking dumb questions, I would have been gone long ago. The people on this website are extraordinarily good about helping other people learn -- that's what's so wonderful about CiC. Welcome.

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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Thank you so much.

  15. #15
    Sonic4Spuds's Avatar
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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Hi Larry,

    Yes Jiro is correct that with most cameras you want a longer shutter >1sec to capture lightning. That is not the case all of the time. For example if using a Cannon point and shoot and CHDK you would leave the camera on running a motion detection script to fire when it sees motion.


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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Quote Originally Posted by mythlady View Post
    . . . from the queen of stupid questions. I got this external hard drive and all is well, but somehow I managed to get it set up so that every time I plug in the darned thing, Lightroom pops up -- you know that little menu in Windows that pops up, asking what program you want to use to open something? Well, I think I clicked on LR without thinking what I was doing, so now it pops up every time I plug in the drive. I can't figure out how to get to that menu to un-check it. I don't want anything to pop up. Gaakh.
    Any wise person would tell you - the only stupid question is the one not asked.

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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    I have been expirmenting with my camera and now it is taking a longer time to download the pictures and I don't know what setting I have changed to cause this. Any help would be apprciated. I left the quality setting ie.pixel and size the same.

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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    My computer has USB 1 and 2 ports. I can tell the difference when I plug into the USB 1 port!

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Quote Originally Posted by jiro View Post
    This is just an average as this value changes depending on your battery condition and how long you keep the shutter release pressed.
    And what the shutter speed is!

  20. #20
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Yet another stupid question

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    And what the shutter speed is!
    Yup! Forgot to add that. Thanks Colin.

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