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Thread: Welsh Hills Pano

  1. #1
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Welsh Hills Pano

    Hi All,

    Please see below a panorama I made recently from the hill behind my home in Wales. It basically represents the view that I get from my bedroom window at home. But I now live in London and don't get to see it that often

    The pano is made up of 18 vertical shots taken with my D90 and Sigma 10-20mm and stitched together in CS5.

    | D90 | Sigma 10-20mm @ 11mm | f/10 | 1/1000 | ISO 200 |

    Welsh Hills Pano

    Please let me know what you think. I aim to get one of these done perfectly this year so that I can make a large print to hang on my wall down here in London as a little window into North Wales.

    Thanks for taking the time to look

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Welsh Hills Pano

    Very nice, Tom. I like it! The trees to the left are a bit dark but I still like it. Pano is something that always fascinates me. Good work!

  3. #3
    Bootsy's Avatar
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    Re: Welsh Hills Pano

    lovely Pano. i'd like a view like that out of my bedroom window

  4. #4
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: Welsh Hills Pano

    Very nice! I like the interesting "swoop" of the hill in the foreground.


  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Welsh Hills Pano

    I think that I like this shot. However, the problem with panos on the web is that they are so small. I think that if this pano were in front of me about 12 inches (30 cm or more) high with corresponding width, it would be great!

    On the other hand, the foreground is not particularly interesting...

  6. #6
    rob marshall

    Re: Welsh Hills Pano

    Very good. Tommy. I like the curved sweep in the foreground. The trees are a little dark, but just about OK. I'm afraid I don't recognize the place (I ought to) Where is it?

  7. #7
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Re: Welsh Hills Pano

    Thanks for all the comments.

    I posted this on another photography forum and one comment I got was that it led the viewers' eyes to the open expanse of green foreground on the right. Now every time I look at it my eyes wander straight there! Maybe I should crop it just to the left of the group of dark trees on the right. What do you think?

    I agree that the foreground is not particularly interesting but maybe the detail in the full size version is a bit better.

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