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I got into a cat fight at another forum regarding diffraction limits where I took the position that sensor megapixels played a role in diffraction. As one of my proofs, I presented the Cambridge diffraction calculator as evidence. Surely, I reasoned, if resolution in the form of megapixels was required as one of the inputs, it has to have an impact.
Well, after playing with the calculator, it became obvious that if the CoC = Twice Pixel Size setting was checked as Off, then I could input 1 or 1000 megapixels and it wouldn't create a diffraction limited image with an f11. Why have the input there if it does not impact the result?
Conversely, when I check the CoC = Twice Pixel Size setting to On, I can effect the the diffraction outcome by changing the resolution. Confused more about the calculator and article than I am about the theory.