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Thread: all that is left....

  1. #21
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: all that is left....

    Ok, That was pretty easy to find in Gimp, now I will play with it some to fine tune the skill. Thanks guys.

  2. #22
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Aug 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
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    Re: all that is left....

    While you are playing Paul I find the following the most beneficial.

    Straight line resizing of two side - hold Control, Shift & Alt keys while re-sizing, applied to the top of the image. This will tend to flatten the image a little so then grap the centre marker at the middle/top to and lift the image a small amount to re-create the original height perspective.

    When you start doing this type of adjustment you will notice you are in effect you are also cropping the image so you need to leave enough space in the original shot to allow for cropping effect. This can be as much as 8 - 10% of the image, depending up the height of the building, the lens used and your position in relation to the subject.

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