Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Hi Steve, it was the same bird. At the second picture the heron has walked about 10 meters turning into the sun. I have never checked the color phase. I even don’t know how I can check that. For both pictures I used the flash. On the flash was a Better beamer mounted. The camera settings were the same. 1/1250s, F8, +1ev and iso200. In the pro-processing is nothing done special. Till now I can only explain your remark is caused by turning the camera more into the sun.
Thanks for your good remark. Gives me nice job to find out the why.
Regards Jan
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Originally Posted by
Jan de Vries
Hi Steve, it was the same bird. At the second picture the heron has walked about 10 meters turning into the sun. I have never checked the color phase. I even don’t know how I can check that. For both pictures I used the flash. On the flash was a Better beamer mounted. The camera settings were the same. 1/1250s, F8, +1ev and iso200. In the pro-processing is nothing done special. Till now I can only explain your remark is caused by turning the camera more into the sun.
Thanks for your good remark. Gives me nice job to find out the why.
Regards Jan
Jan, i think you misunderstood me, i was referring to the color of the heron. The birds over here are a much darker greyish blue with a darker head cap. This bird looks extremely light in color compaired to what i am used to seeing.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Oke Steve. I have to read better next time. The herons I posted are young herons. Their looks are not yet fully developed. What I know is that the most of the herons in Holland are of the Ardea Cinerea family. I think that your heron comes from the Ardea Herodias family. Clear a more colorful family.
Regards Jan.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
This is why one buys prime lenses, and not aftermarket wannabe's. I got better results out of my 18-105 kit lens at the airshow, and out of my 50mm 1.8 than I did out of a 70-300 Sigma and significantly better when coupled to the 2x extender. I do have to admit, I love the colors in the background from the DoF bokeh.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Originally Posted by
This is why one buys prime lenses, and not aftermarket wannabe's. I got better results out of my 18-105 kit lens at the airshow, and out of my 50mm 1.8 than I did out of a 70-300 Sigma and significantly better when coupled to the 2x extender. I do have to admit, I love the colors in the background from the DoF bokeh.
The color and clarity are great, Chris. Did adjust the saturation much, or are they truly that vibrant?
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
That was the hard part in editing this photo..the greens were incredibly bright and "GREEN." Trying to get everything else either up to that level of intensity, or like I did, lowering that value a tad to keep everything else in check. I may go back and just shoot that backgrond for the colors later today.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Originally Posted by
That was the hard part in editing this photo..the greens were incredibly bright and "GREEN." Trying to get everything else either up to that level of intensity, or like I did, lowering that value a tad to keep everything else in check. I may go back and just shoot that backgrond for the colors later today.
We vacationed in the Destin area one year... way back when. It was the first time I had ever visited FL. We drove from northeast TN. I remember the bright, vibrant colors of the landscape, and the color of the water and the sand... oh. my. gosh. You must love it. I could live there except for the humidity... it makes my hair curl.:eek:
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Practically next door... several pics I posted a couple of months ago are from destin. Pretty, but danmably expensive.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Originally Posted by
Practically next door... several pics I posted a couple of months ago are from destin. Pretty, but danmably expensive.
We were there in Sept., I think. I know it was in the off-season but still very warm. We had a bazillion points to use from Brent's travel so the hotel was free... made it nice.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Nice shot chris, why not keep going with it. Would make a great painterly. Maybe elise could have a go at it. Here is my feable try..................
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
I did do one...but since I was trying to make a point about lens quality, didn't post it..but here it is..
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
That's nice as well, but I like the original more.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
He came in over my shoulder and I was not quick enough to adjust. Not horrible but I wish he had a little more space all around. This is uncropped.
Then he had to land in the reeds.
Sneaking away...
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
I blame it all on you Steve! :D I had such a good time sneaking up on these guys this morning {above} I had to take a little stroll this afternoon, in a different location.
Diving for a fish. I watched him get about twelve.
eating his catch.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Odd, I've never seen them stand in water that deep. He must have been real hungry.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Here we have 3 types of herons.
- The normal heron. Like on the picture.
- The house heron. This one likes to empty the garden ponds.
- The Mc. Donald heron. This one you find near junk food places.
Walking in deeper water is also common here.
Regards Jan
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Originally Posted by
I could live there except for the humidity... it makes my hair curl.:eek:
I just wish I had some hair left that could curl!
Anyway, still loving the quality of stuff that is appearing in this thread.
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Re: Great Blue Heron thread
Those are sweet pictures Paul. I really like the first in this last batch. :cool: