Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
African daisy works for me - I think.:o I just wanted to come back (for the record) this got a big ol' "Ooooo" out of me, too! I'm just such a slow-poke, these days. I considered why - maybe for the same reasons that others gave but, also, I always say the same when I see them in real life - they're so pretty! Whatever the reason, apparently, it's beautifully shot!:)
I loved the discussion on pg. 13!
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Steve S
Looks like you need some light on the background. Try reflecting some light on the background or use some fill flash.
Thanks Steve, I do believe this might work and it's certainly within my limited abilities. :( This is one of those why didn't I think of that moments. I used to use fill flash for shots like this and then I seem to forget what worked in the past. It's quite alarming. :(
Thanks again
Re: Macro flower photographs
Here is my first attempt at poppies this year. A bit dark??? last year I blew the highlights all the time. What I really want to show with poppies is the texture and that unique crepe papery quality of the petals. It's a work in progress, these are step 1 for this year. C&C always welcome.
Re: Macro flower photographs
They don't look 'a bit dark' to me, Wendy, they look fine. We have some purple poppies here in the garden . I'll follow the CC on this. I don't think I'll get a chance to photograph one of our purple ones for a few days and we're getting wind and rain right through to Friday, infact it's doing both now.You got the crepe papery texture you wanted. Is step 2 next year then ? :)
Re: Macro flower photographs
The last one of ktuli's is amazing really clear and detailed. If I saw that I would buy it because it reminds me of fire.
-Jaime 12 years- :D:rolleyes:;):cool::)
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
They don't look 'a bit dark' to me, Wendy, they look fine. We have some purple poppies here in the garden . I'll follow the CC on this. I don't think I'll get a chance to photograph one of our purple ones for a few days and we're getting wind and rain right through to Friday, infact it's doing both now.You got the crepe papery texture you wanted. Is step 2 next year then ? :)
Thanks for the feedback John. :) I may have to move on to step 2 this year then if I find a group of willing poppies and if they are in the right setting and if it is a calm day and if I'm in the mood to lug a tripod around... I'm still not happy with these, but they are better than last years. Hope you get a chance to shoot the purple ones. Poppies seem very difficult for me. A picture never seems to do them justice.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
What amazing, amazing flower macros, all of them. Can't possibly compete (yet !), so my humble submission is a sort of close-up but I think it is in the spirit of the thread. Spring flowers and all that.
I liked the leaf shapes and the water-colour tones, has something of a Japanese scroll painting.
Its straight out of the camera with no PP, haven't started on that box of mysteries.
Hi, Mike! I see just what you mean about it looking like a Japanes scroll painting - lovely! It does need PP but what I really see is the blue and shiny bits in your blurry background - it's a bit distracting.:o Thanks for jumping in!:)
Re: Macro flower photographs
Not exactly Macros, maybe we should rename this the close up floral thread. Doesn't really matter, this is where I come when I want to look at florals or post some of my own humble experiments.
A couple different treatments of this Bellflower (I think that is what it is) C&C welcome. Both are done on a single layer and I'm going for a textured look, like what Mythlady produces, but the texture is done in camera and with PP. I sort of kind of like them, but.... what do you think. Your honest feedback is appreciated.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Another try at the Astrantia.
I did shoot it at ISO400 - I just had to - none of the ones at 200 came out well. Is the noise really terrible, again? Is there any way in PS to cut the noise down? I tried "despeckle". In iphoto, there's a slider for noise but it ruins the photo immediately.
C&C is always welcome!
(Sorry, Wendy, I don't know what I think about the balloon flower.:o)
Re: Macro flower photographs
This is the first rose to open this year in our garden.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Not exactly Macros, maybe we should rename this the close up floral thread. Doesn't really matter, this is where I come when I want to look at florals or post some of my own humble experiments.
A couple different treatments of this Bellflower (I think that is what it is) C&C welcome. Both are done on a single layer and I'm going for a textured look, like what Mythlady produces, but the texture is done in camera and with PP. I sort of kind of like them, but.... what do you think. Your honest feedback is appreciated.
Very delicate (that is meant positive;)). In the first photo, what did you do with the whites? It is almost like that top flower is giving off light.
Originally Posted by
Nice one again, you are on a roll, beautiful droplets and detail. The one thing I didn't like about this picture is that it seems a bit flat, probably because the white background seems too close. It's almost like the shadow of the rose is on the background (it isn't as far as I can see, it is the dark edges of the leaves).
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
Another try at the Astrantia.
I did shoot it at ISO400 - I just had to - none of the ones at 200 came out well. Is the noise really terrible, again? Is there any way in PS to cut the noise down? I tried "despeckle". In iphoto, there's a slider for noise but it ruins the photo immediately.
C&C is always welcome!
I like the colours on this one, but wonder at what you did exactly. It is as if the whites are lighting up (or reflecting something?). I do not really notice the noise, the dark parts look ok on my computer. The overall impression is one of delicacy (which I like).
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Very delicate (that is meant positive;)). In the first photo, what did you do with the whites? It is almost like that top flower is giving off light.
Thanks Peter, nothing special was done to the whites, but I did have the reflector laying on the ground to (hopefully) bounce some light back on the flower which was in the shade with some dappled light coming through.
Nice one again, you are on a roll, beautiful droplets and detail. The one thing I didn't like about this picture is that it seems a bit flat, probably because the white background seems too close. It's almost like the shadow of the rose is on the background (it isn't as far as I can see, it is the dark edges of the leaves).
Thanks again Peter, I appreciate the feedback. I think you are right about the background being too close, in fact you may have just nailed the problem that I am having with this rose. The background was in fact very close, and I think if I got it farther away with some light on the background for seperation, I might just get what I'm looking for.
I love this rose, but I'm finding it difficult to photograph. It is a deep red, with very dark (maroon or almost black) edges, and the backs of the petals are quite light. It's one of those flowers that I love so much I don't think I will ever do it justice in a photo, but I'll keep trying, there are many more buds on the plant.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
I like the colours on this one, but wonder at what you did exactly. It is as if the whites are lighting up (or reflecting something?). I do not really notice the noise, the dark parts look ok on my computer. The overall impression is one of delicacy (which I like).
Thanks, Peter! I was looking at the plant and noticed that this set of flowers was just....glowing. I'm not sure why. There's a lot of pretty detail in the middle of the flower that I really want to get out and try to capture (if it would ever stop raining) but, at this moment, I just wanted to focus on the flamelike cup that the petals were making. btw, the time of day was late evening and it seemed like it was in the shade but not quite. I just remember looking over my shoulder "at the sun" and trying to figure it out - I'm not quite sure why it was glowing like that.
Wendy, your red, red rose is very pretty. I'm trying to get my "William Shakespeare" English rose but it's not going very well. Did you use a gray card?
Re: Macro flower photographs
Great images everyone. Here is one i shot tonight. Not shure what it is though.......................
Tv(Shutter Speed)
Av(Aperture Value)
Metering Modes
Exposure Compensation
ISO Speed
Focal Length
420.0 mm
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Not exactly Macros, maybe we should rename this the close up floral thread. Doesn't really matter, this is where I come when I want to look at florals or post some of my own humble experiments.
I would probably read the title as macro (and) flower photographs, not sure what I meant at the time ;)
Originally Posted by
Here is my first attempt at poppies this year. A bit dark??? last year I blew the highlights all the time. What I really want to show with poppies is the texture and that unique crepe papery quality of the petals. It's a work in progress, these are step 1 for this year. C&C always welcome.
I like this one, the colour looks good to me. I don't think they are too dark and I like the vague background. I love the hearts of these flowers as well, great colours there.
Re: Macro flower photographs
It is raining today, so here is one from my recent holiday in the UK
Tomorrow it is supposed to be tropical :eek:, we'll wait and see. I am ready to go out.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Steve S
Very nice Steve, the blend of yellows is wonderful and you have managed to get the inner dark ring without the hard edges around it that I struggle with all the time when there is a sharp change in tone. I also like the presentation it seems nicely balanced.
I'm not sure but I think this is a Dahlia. The only reason I say that is because I have a few here and most of mine seem to have that little "curly cue" set of petals. Not sure if that is unique to Dahlias I have to look it up.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
I like this type of shot Peter. It really needs to be clicked on and viewed in the Lytebox though. The shallow DOF always gives me the feeling that the flower is underwater or that there is some kind of struggle involved. Call me silly, but it's like a victorious struggle for survival where the flower wins and emerges.... Sigh, I hate when I start talking goofy like this, but there is something about this type of shot that I really like. Just a hint of chaos in the background and then the flower emerging clear, clean and triumphant announcing it's victory to the world.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Thanks wendy, i don't see where your having trouble with the changing tones. I'm not doing anything different from any other image. Perhaps your adding too much contrast. Sometimes that can have a bad effect on places like that.
A rose from yesterday................................