Two variants on the poppy (papaver)
We have them around the house and my wife is always complaining that the heads are disappearing. Point is that we dont see the flowers elsewhere in the neighbourhood, so either people take them for the seeds (and don't succeed in growing them) or they try to distill opium from them?
Hello , over the years I have collected many colors of these poppies, and its a shame that someone tries to get opium out of them.
Through your seeds out in other areas so that you will always have some growing.
Oh, my! Could it it Queen Anne's Lace?Has the season moved along that fast for you? I should warn you - I'm addicted to photographing QAL (and, I know that I'm not the only one). She has lots of moods and faces - maybe, we should start another thread for her.
I wish that the forwarder part of the flower was more in focus. This has a lot of detail but it's kind of hard to pick it all out. I hope that you try it again - I hope that you have a chance to explore it some more.
I don't know, looking on the internet I guess it could be the QAL. We would call it fluitenkruid then. I have another one of these photos, a bit pinker, at home, I'll have a look.
AndI liked the dreamy quality of this one, but will take your advice for next time. Probably need a slightly smaller aperture still. I shoot so close to the flower most of the time that the DOF is quite small.
Peter, I've gone to look for some of my old photos of QAL that I used to be so proud of and.....ICK! They're from when I had just gotten my camera and didn't have a clue what I was doing. So, I don't want to show them to you.I'll just have to wait till ours get going in the meadow. There are lots of different variations on this one kind of flower, though, I've noticed. Yours looks an awful lot like it but it might be slightly different.
Anyway, I went to the blog of another QAL junkie - gorgeous photos. The first ones that come up are mostly buds and are the ones that she took later on in the season. HERE is the link if you're interested.Like I said, it has so many different "looks" to it.
Yes, a bit more DOF would have helped I think. Now some of the small green dots on the stems are out of focus. What F stop did you use here? And maybe try a slightly different angle, so that you lose some of the background. The flower is beautiful.
I love the delicacy of these flowers, nice colours too.
Verbena officinalis or common vervain.
In Dutch we call them ijzerhard (hard as iron). It seems this name stems from the medicinal qualities of the plant. For a long time it was assumed that this plant was one of the best medicines to be used in case of wounds caused by iron.
The tea from this plant (very bitter supposedly) and hot compresses made with this tea are supposed to be effective against migraines.
"Vervain and dill hinders witches from their will."
Hi, Peter! That's really interesting - I knew that it was used medicinally but that was all - very interesting!(and, I'll keep that in mind, this Halloween, about the witches....
) This is one of my favorite flowers - someone just gave me a deep blue one as a gift - lucky me! I just don't know if I'll be able to catch it like your delicate macro, here. This is very pretty! mmmm, too bad about the little pink smudge on the bokeh, just below the flower but - hey!
Thanks for the encouragement on mine!!! I worked really, really, really hard on the post processing to get the colors and details there (at the same time, that is.)![]()