Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
Wendy, it's that impressionistic photography thing - I keep wondering if it exists. Let's you and I say it does and start a movement!:D I really like the last one - the sweep of the petals is still softly there - even though it's oof and the whole thing speaks delicacy and peacefulness. So, maybe, when it's oof - is still has to speak or have a reason for being in the frame. (I just came up with that - what do you think? I don't know what I'm talking about but it sounds good to me.:D)
Well, if you figure it out - let me know.:)
I'll never figure it out Katy, but I think we should start a movement. I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want to photograph and how I want to do it. I'm having trouble putting it into words right now, but I'm thinking you should start an impressionism thread and see what we get. Maybe we will be the only ones posting, but I don't think so. :) I would start it myself, but the time I get to spend here is so limited right now that I would not be able to follow up the way I would like. What do you think. The thread could be for discussions (like this one) and posting images. You could set down a few guidlines as to what would qualify for images, but I think it might be very interesting and a good place to mull over different styles.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
I like them too, Wendy. I also don't agree with Paul's comment about being centered... the first one is fine because the flower bends into the center, giving pleasing leading line - at least for me. And the second seems to spiral into the center like a vortex sucking me into the shot - had it not been centered, I don't think it would have worked that way. Additionally, the square crop tends to balance it a bit as well.
Count me as a fan.
- Bill
Thanks Bill, like I say I'm not exactly where I want to be but it is encouraging to know there are at least 2 others, you and Katy who think this type of shot is worth working on.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
If you took a moment to know her, you would know that she understands this concept perfectly and would have most likely chosen this composition on purpose, Paul Wilbur!
Thank you Katy, you are right I did break away from the rule of thirds on purpose. I just liked it better this way.
Paul Wilbur: Katy is right you know, if you look at most of my shots they are so pedictably composed usually based on the rule of thrids that you would have known this one was centred on purpose.
Re: Macro flower photographs
OK, this is going to be a little different, I'm looking for an opinion of the lens. I have a 10 - 12 year old Quanteray 70-300 macro. I'm trying to decide whether it will work well with my D7000. I took these a couple of days ago and they are SOOC. I think they look pretty decent. Is the lens worth keeping?
Re: Macro flower photographs
I have a friend, Endre Balogh, whose flower photographs are stunning, here is a link—just click on gallery and follow links to flowers. Hope you enjoy these as much as I do.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Very impressive Andrew, thanks for the link.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Not sure how these will go over. I'm not quite where I want to be with these, but they are purposely out of focus. I have this figured out in my head how I want it to look and I'm getting close, but not quite there yet. These are more about the blending of the colours and in a way I'm trying to photograph florals the way they look to me from a distance, which is not sharp and detailed but just colours and patterns, if that makes sense. :o
#2. Dahlia; again taken with close up filters, but not going for detail, but the blending and patterns of colours. C&C welcome and appreciated.
it's so beautiful!
I've never seen a p:)icture like this!
ok, you may say that I'm so ignorant .. well, you are right... :o
at least about this matter
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Reed Waters
Hello, Reed Waters! Welcome to CiC! I see that no one has responded to this, yet, but I am positive that there are a lot of people who would like to help and register an opinion about you lens and C&C on your lovely photos. I have to suggestions that might help, here. You can start a new thread (don't be shy!:)) by going into one of the appropriate forums of your choice. Also, we love to be on first name basis - you can add your name in by editing your profile.
I really hope that this gets more helpful input for you. I know that the input, here, at CiC has been the major reason for my growth as a photographer, in the last year! Again, welcome to CiC!!!:)
Re: Macro flower photographs
Oh, Nicola and Mike - I'll come back later to respond - it's too hot to even type, right now!!!:p (I'm not sticking my tongue out - I'm panting!:eek:)
Re: Macro flower photographs
Not from the garden... it's a weed, apparently, but I never seem to get tired of clover. Wendy, I was wanting the bokeh and the stem to be like a watercolor or abstract and the flower to be in focus (well, close - it's always breezy, around here.;))
Oh, I forgot! I could have started a new "impressionism" thread with this - I'm still a bit busy, at the mo., too, though.
Re: Macro flower photographs
It's nice Katy, I see though that you get the same issue as I do when I miss the focus. I'm referring to the outline on the leaves that are almost in focus. I'm not sure but I think that is a photographic no no. I have a tendency to try and use photographic flaws to my advantage (if I can) but in this case (and in a lot of my shots) I think the outlines detract from the shot, especially the top left leaf. I like this look with a tiny flower or branch in focus and everything else fading away.
I'm never sure the cause of these lines, but I think if you did not have the motion blur, that the leaves would have been sharper and the outline would not have been there. To me the leave should either be part of the Bokeh or more in focus to separate them from the background.
Anyway, just my 2 cents. I like the idea though, and I have been thinking much about impressionistic photography, and I really do think we should get a thread going on the subject. All in good time though. Right now I'm working on MY definition of what impressionistic photography would or could or should be. :D but I'll save that for another time.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Oh, I did the leaves and stem like that 'on purpose'. I wanted it to look like a sketch/watercolor would.:)
A rose by any other name ..
Model Canon EOS REBEL T2i
ISO 100
Exposure 4.0 sec
Aperture 22.0
Focal Length 55mm
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
Hello, Reed Waters! Welcome to CiC! I see that no one has responded to this, yet, but I am positive that there are a lot of people who would like to help and register an opinion about you lens and C&C on your lovely photos. I have to suggestions that might help, here. You can start a new thread (don't be shy!:)) by going into one of the appropriate forums of your choice. Also, we love to be on first name basis - you can add your name in by editing your profile.
I really hope that this gets more helpful input for you. I know that the input, here, at CiC has been the major reason for my growth as a photographer, in the last year! Again, welcome to CiC!!!:)
Thanks for the response, Katy. I will do what you suggest.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Just back from France (where the weather was not as sunny as I would have liked). I had some time for Gimp and learned a bit more about the use of layers. Quite interesting.
As a first this rose from a rain soaked jardin de Cadiot. If you are ever in the Dordogne, near Carlux, worth the detour.
Tomorrow I'll have a look at the thread and see what I missed these last weeks:D
Re: Macro flower photographs
There are some beautiful shots on this thread, all of them on this page alone are lovely. I haven't been game to post on this thread before but have finally plucked up the courage. So here goes.
This is a Tibochena in MIL's garden.
This is a flowering tree I spotted on my walk this morning. I have no idea what it is. The flowers have not developed fully yet so I'll be keeping my eye on them in coming days.