Lovely shot of a beautiful flower.
This is the Wild Iris also known as the Fairy Iris.
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Thanks for your comments Peter. The more I compare the two shots the more I agree with you. It's funny how the eye/brain combination can play tricks with you. The flower parts of the two images are exactly the same but the halo (and also in this case at least, the more blurred background) tends to soften the impact of the flower overall.
The latest from the garden. C&C always welcome. It might be just my tired eyes, but these look different after uploading here. Please point out any undesirable PP artefacts if you can see them on your screen
#1 Cosmos
#2. Sunflower
#3. Aster
Another lovely set Wendy. I like the first one best, what a beautiful colour and the lighting is spot on. The angle of the shot works well I think too.
I can see some smudgy circles on the first image and some more pronounced circles on the third image. I'm not sure whether they are artifacts or what. They don't detract much anyway.
Cheers Dave
Thanks for commenting Peter. I know what you mean about the first one, and I'm glad that you don't find it distracting. It's always good to get more than one opinion on these things because I find that sometimes (often) i am concentrating on one thing but I miss so many other things. I always take a final look, but get to the point where I see what I want to see and miss what I should see, so thanks again, I appreciate and need the feedback
This is very nice Peter, I just love the texture and slight translucence of the petals. Water drops always work for me too. :) The background looks a bit noisy BUT I like it, so whether or not you did it on purpose, I think it is a good effect and sets off the flower in a good way. I'm wondering though if dark patch with the light area crossing it bottom right could be smoothed over. There is nothing wrong with it but it kind of draws the eye.
Last of the rainy photos
ipomoea or morning glory
Another rose
Sunlit in full bloom in the churchyard today:
These were shot using the macro on the kit lens that came with my camera. Know they're not going to compare, but macro isn't necessarily the genre I'm interested. I was bored one evening and wanted to play with the camera. They're post processed to death, but let me know what you think.
069 by KHarmon1971, on Flickr
064 by KHarmon1971, on Flickr
072 by KHarmon1971, on Flickr
This is one from last year. I like it because it seems moody to me.
flower_DSC5324 by gmontjr, on Flickr
One from 2005...
Home by gmontjr, on Flickr
One more from last year
bee by gmontjr, on Flickr
Wendy, Peter, Kris, George - wonderful stuff - really!
(Wendy, I love the smudgy bokeh circles! They don't detract at all in my mind.)
Mike, congratulations! This is the first 'in the garden' photo of a daylily that I've seen that isn't just technically good but, actually, says something. (and, I am counting my own attempts - even 'in house' - since February.) It's very gracious and elegant in its demeanour and I love the light! (Did you photoshop to get the background to recede so much or was the light like that when you took it?)