Not exactly macro, I like to think of these as flower portraits. Your C&C are appreciated.
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Not exactly macro, I like to think of these as flower portraits. Your C&C are appreciated.
Peter: I like the rose and the bud! But why is it I only want to turn my head with the rosebud? Did you turn the rosebud so the light cut it in half? Just wondering?
Joe: Very nice....I like the dark backgrounds, and the flowers look sharp!
A couple from this weekends Orchid show.
Went to Marjorie McNeely conservatory in St Paul last weekend to experiment with macro, drank too much coffee, asked wife to watch camera, ------and this is what she shot
C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\macro\macro (1 of 1)-6.jpg
try, try and ty again
Wintertime is great sometimes
One of the verbenas. Even in winter it looks good.
While not technically a flower, this little lichen looks flowery. It's surprising (and somewhat humbling) how hard it is to get the focus precisely where I want it to be. No matter how still I think I'm standing, I still sway a little. The wind doesn't help much either. :rolleyes:
re: Verbena.
Do you use a tripod to get these? As I said in my post today, I can never seem to stand still enough to get the focus right.
One more Bird of Paradise, but a different color.
Yes to that, I would count that as something for the flowers as well. Because of the vibrant colours of course.
And to your other question, no I don't use a tripod, mainly because I like to walk around. My 'technique' is to shoot in good light, mostly around f/11 and 1/250sec (with ISO variable - my Nikon D7000 can do that, so it is almost like you have a third automatic option besides shutter and aperture). My macro lens does have VR, but it seems that at these close distances it doesn't work too well. So I make multiple shots and select later.
Sometimes I shoot over a 100 shots in the garden or wherever I am and have less than 10 keepers.
Hope that helps.
I am loving the angle you took the, Purple Clematis, at. It's lovely!
Sharing one I took with the Canon 100f2.8L for c&c please.
1/125, f4.5, ISO160, no flash, handheld