Thank you John for the kind comment, appreciate it. Thought the image can be sharper if a little flash is used.
Thank you John for the kind comment, appreciate it. Thought the image can be sharper if a little flash is used.
Last edited by alwaysDSLR; 24th February 2012 at 06:19 AM.
They are, for the most part (90%) out of focus.
The lichen looks good in itself John, but I think the positioning could have been different maybe. Now, the background is distracting. It is bokeh, but there is clearly something there. If that had been more uniform it would have looked better I feel. That is the problem with macro though, sometimes you can't do it any other way.
Last edited by Letrow; 4th March 2012 at 01:55 PM.
Last edited by johnbharle; 4th March 2012 at 07:06 PM.
Close shouldn't be the problem, but you might be using a different lens of course. This is shot with a 105mm macro lens and then there is some PP work to be done in Gimp. Most of the time just looking at Levels, contrast enhancement with layers and finally some sharpening. You do use sharpening, don't you?
By the way, I think your new crop of the lichen works better.
Not sure what I think of this photo, I guess the focus isn't what I expected it to be (my fault in all probability)
Anyway, it is a helleborus
On the next one the focus is better, but the photo could just as well have been shot inside. There should have been a bit of green in it I feel.
And they don't seem to attract many insects yet. Too cold probably.
John, Am I reading your data properly? Did you use ISO 3200? This might be a problem, as at that ISO, my D90 isn't going to get as crisp as I would like. I take it you are in poor light. Try a much lower ISO, and f/8 to let more light in, and a slower speed if there was little or no wind.....just a suggestion. It was expensive, but I bought a ring flash, and you can adjust the flash amount, so you can add just a tiny bit of fill flash with it. Then you can use a smaller ISO. I love this lichen, with the burst of orange....In this original shot, maybe if you just blurred the background a bit using Photoshop or similar. and darkened the lightest of the background with burn slightly? I don't know what software you have. So my suggestions might not work for you. I also like your second cropped shot.