Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
Wonderful detail and clarity! The texture on the Leucojum is, well, "ethereal" is the word that springs to mind. I wish that I could see it closer - I'm sitting here, leaning over my screen.:)
That bee is incredible! It reminds me of Beatrix Potter and "The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse" - after Mr. Jackson (the Toad) invades Babbity Bumbles nest and eats all the honey - "They packed up their honey bags and left." That bee has quite the "honey bag".:)
May I please ask you, what time of day do you usually shoot in? Just curious.
Thanks. I like that reference to Beatrix Potter, one of my favorite illustrated books.
I shot in the early afternoon mostly on these photos. We have all learned that theoretically the best light for photos is in the early morning or late afternoon, but for flowers the stronger sunlight gives me the best results. I don't use any flash on these.
Re: Macro flower photographs
(I'm sorry, I don't know what level of photography you're at. I hope that you don't mind my suggestions.) I think that there's something else that could help but I just can't discern what it is.
Hi Katy
Thanks for your in put
I am a Hobby Photoghapher , I am learning to use my new Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro lens , Non IS , it's chalenging with out a tripod, i hope to learn more from C&C friend to improve myself.
Thank for sharing
{ Please pardon my writing in English too .}
Re: Macro flower photographs
Quince blossom
Model: Canon EOS 7D
ISO: 400
Exposure: 1/60 sec
Aperture: 4.5
Focal Length: 100mm
Re: Macro flower photographs
We have a place called Thijsse's Hof ( near to where we live. It is in honor of Jac P Thijsse, one of Holland's famous biologists. They grow all kinds of flowers here, rare and common.
They also have lots of bees, which in summer, can be viewed through glass. Cool. At the moment they are building the nest, so we can't come near yet.
Corydalis cava
The first beginning of a maple tree (acer, ahorn, esdoorn). Give it another 15 years and we might see the first flower on this tree.
Bumblebee on lamium
Re: Macro flower photographs
Re: Macro flower photographs
Re: Macro flower photographs
A common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Another anemone. I am not happy with the composition in this shot, but the flower itself is nice.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Quince blossom
Model: Canon EOS 7D
ISO: 400
Exposure: 1/60 sec
Aperture: 4.5
Focal Length: 100mm
Hi, thienthu! I'm always so happy to come across this shot when I scroll down the page to see the latest. I thought, for one, that I should tell you it's lovely and, two, what do you think about a little bit more dof so that the stamen was in focus, too? Personally, I like the out of focus sweep of the petal on the right. The color and freshness are wonderful.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Peter, I want to say that your posts just keep getting better and better but, then, I can't betray those earlier shots that I love, too; so, no favorites!;) The clarity and detail, though, is just beautiful (I love the Lady's smock) and I love that dandelion - it seems lifted out of the ordinary - especially with the two buds on the right.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Lilac buds!
My sister was over and I was supposed to be making dinner but I snuck out of the house - the evening light was really beautiful. I'm afraid that taking the tripod would have been way too conspicuous.:o
Usually, I love early spring in Vermont - it's subtle and muddy and brown and gray and I really love it but, I hate to say it, seeing your season so much farther along has made me more than a little discontent. We had twelve hours of pouring rain, Saturday night, and the ice has gone off of the pond and we have sparkly water again. It reminds me that this time of year is just beautiful to see unfold.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
Nice detail on that second lilac Kate. I like that one best, unencumbered by other details. It's amazing how many colours you get on just one bud!
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
If it wasn't for that main stem curving up and left, I would have said this was my favourite of the, because I like the background colour and tone as well. But as Peter's post implies, the second is a lovely study of the bud. Well done in getting the harmony between subject and background. That's what, for me, gives both of them the 'quality' stamp.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Thank you Peter and Donald. I so appreciate feedback. I completely agree with you. That's why I posted both. One has the detail of being close up and one has more of the colors in the background. I thought it had to be either or...but, what about this? (Not beating a dead horse, am I?:o)
edit: my favorite is still the one with the extraneous branch. oh, well.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
This is much better, I think, than it's original version.
You now have two top-drawer images, in my opinion.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
Thank you Peter and Donald. I so appreciate feedback. I completely agree with you. That's why I posted both. One has the detail of being close up and one has more of the colors in the background. I thought it had to be either or...but, what about this? (Not beating a dead horse, am I?:o)
edit: my favorite is still the one with the extraneous branch. oh, well.
I like this crop the best. The curving diagonal of the stem is perfect! I also think there is enough detail in this one that it suffices.
Very nice.... or should I say... WOW! ;)
- Bill
Re: Macro flower photographs
I want to share this rich colorful flower pic.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Beautiful colors. I like the details on the flower and the stamen.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Great thread, I hope this one keeps going till winter, by then of course it will be summer for the other half of the world, so I hope it keeps going all year. There are so many beautiful shots, I can't take the time to comment on them all right now. I don't usually do macro but I put the 18-55 kit lens on the camera today and some close up filters (anywhere from 3 to 6x) I think this one qualifies as macro. The flower is very tiny approx .25".
It's really hard to keep the camera steady enough to keep the focus where it belongs using these filters, so I know it's off on this shot but overall I still liked it. C&C from all you macro shooters (or anyone) is appreciated. I love florals but I don't usually get this close.
Nikon D3000: 18-55mm lens:1/80s: f5.6: ISO 800: 48m: 6x close up filters:
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Great photo Wendy. The focus could have been on the stamen more, because that is where I look automatically, but you already noticed that. Nice bokeh. What I do nowadays when I do macro flowers handheld is a series of shots with centre point focus. At least three of each flower. Mosttimes at least one is sharp enough. And with lots of sun helping me preferrably. If 10% of the photos are keepers I am happy, but every tiny movement spoils the focus:mad:.
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
Nice one Kate. The bokeh is pleasing, whereas the second picture has some busy bokeh in the background. I just went over the thread and this is the kind of shot I would make as well. Kind of macroed you say? The quality is still pretty good if you cropped it from the other photo. What kind of lens do you use on these?
Re: Macro flower photographs
Anyone recognize this flower?? My wife knows lots of flowers, but this one didn't ring a bell. I liked the way they presented themselves, as on a platter.
the dicentra or bleeding-heart