Ground Cherry, John. If you are brave, the fruit does taste a bit like cherry
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Ground Cherry, John. If you are brave, the fruit does taste a bit like cherry
Omphalodes verna, Creeping navelwort, Blue-eyed Mary or Vroeg Vergeet-me-nietje
Echium vulgare or slangenkruid (viper's buegloss)
Nero's doctor, Dioscorides thought the roots of the plant, when taken with wine helped against snake bites.
Leucanthemum vulgare or in Dutch 'Margriet'
Another papaver
and one that I'll have to check with my wife
Not a good photo, but I put it in because of its colour. It is so deep purple that it is almost unreal.
I have never been game to attempt this kind of shot so I admire anyone who can do it so well!
f16 10s iso 100 converted to b+w in ps6
I played around with this one during the shooting process. I wanted to get the color but also wanted to subdue the greens. Had to use PP to do this after all. None the less, I tried to concentrate on the flower, but wanted all else blurred. If I put the whole flower in perfect detail, it also included the leafs. So, what do you think, what other direction should I have gone to get the results stated here.
Superb flower photography Peter, I particularly like the Dahlia but all are stunning.
Echinops sphaerocephalus (great globe thistle)
valeriana officinalis