Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Nice one Kate. The bokeh is pleasing, whereas the second picture has some busy bokeh in the background. I just went over the thread and this is the kind of shot I would make as well. Kind of macroed you say? The quality is still pretty good if you cropped it from the other photo. What kind of lens do you use on these?
I did realize that I had misspoken about that second photo. The first wasn't cropped, at all. I only included the second one for scale.:o However, I was using the Canon 60mm macro f2.8. I LOVE it! One can crop in a fair ways with it if one needs to. It's so clear! I'm having trouble taking it off. This was hand held, leaning way over a snow bank. I'm so glad that you guys like this one. It's so simple that I almost didn't share it.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Great thread, I hope this one keeps going till winter, by then of course it will be summer for the other half of the world, so I hope it keeps going all year. There are so many beautiful shots, I can't take the time to comment on them all right now. I don't usually do macro but I put the 18-55 kit lens on the camera today and some close up filters (anywhere from 3 to 6x) I think this one qualifies as macro. The flower is very tiny approx .25".
It's really hard to keep the camera steady enough to keep the focus where it belongs using these filters, so I know it's off on this shot but overall I still liked it. C&C from all you macro shooters (or anyone) is appreciated. I love florals but I don't usually get this close.
Nikon D3000: 18-55mm lens:1/80s: f5.6: ISO 800: 48m: 6x close up filters:
It was attempting floral macros, outdoors that made the tripod my friend. Without it, it's an exercise in insanity, sometimes. However, I have the same approach as Peter, when i can't have it with me.
This is really pretty, Wendy! I like how the petals are glowing, the veins on those upper petals and the detail that you did get on the front of the buds. I agree with Peter that i wish that the focus was on the stamen - or, the way I was thinking to word it is, i wish that the middle was more illuminated and that there was a bit more dof coming to the front and blending the oof "fade out" towards the back. You probably knew all of that, though. I see why you included it - I like it, too!:) I wonder, now, if you're going to get bitten by the floral macro bug.;)
Re: Macro flower photographs
First posting here so hope I am doing things right!
This is a photo of a Welsh poppy seed head taken first thing in the morning.
Criticism and comments very welcome.
Re: Macro flower photographs
You did it so well, we got two copies of it (I've removed one of them for you)!
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
First posting here so hope I am doing things right!
This is a photo of a Welsh poppy seed head taken first thing in the morning.
Criticism and comments very welcome.
It's got great detail with the water droplets and the little hairs. The background, especially on the upper left distracts slightly, but this is probably the best angle for the poppy seed.
Re: Macro flower photographs
I've just had proper look through this thread (apologies to its participants for not doing so before).
There really are some breathtakingly beautiful images in here. I am full of admiration for your skills.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Hello, I've recently registered on this forum. I know next to nothing about digital photography...actually about photography, but I'd like to learn a few things. So, first images. Just some auto focus tests (I finally got around to reading the camera's manual about 1 year and a half after I bought it :D). Comments are welcomed.
I really love your last picture especially because it is an Asian Lily! They are my favorite kind of flowers, and i also love macro close ups of flowers. The combination of the two is really enjoyable because they are my two favorite things. In the last photo I love the color of the lily, and I also love how the inside of the flower is shiny because it is wet.
Re: Macro flower photographs
I love Asian lilies! They are my favorite kind of flowers. I also love macro close ups of flowers! The combination of the two is extraordinary! I enjoy the color of the flower and also how the inside of the flower is shiny because it is wet. :)
Re: Macro flower photographs
Found a new flower growing on the ranch.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Re: Macro flower photographs
Can't remember if I've posted this before or not - last years apple blossoms
Re: Macro flower photographs
Jim: Beautiful, sharp, nice composition, and splendid colors.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
I don't think you posted this. Anyway, beautiful light in this photo, very delicate. Love it.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
You are so on a roll! Gorgeous, fresh colors and lots of clear detail. That slug is adorable (...especially because it's in someone else's garden.:eek:) I kind of wish that the whites in the first two were popping a little bit more but, I don't know what I'm talking about. Would you please share your thoughts so that I can learn?
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
You are so on a roll! Gorgeous, fresh colors and lots of clear detail. That slug is adorable (...especially because it's in someone else's garden.:eek:) I kind of wish that the whites in the first two were popping a little bit more but, I don't know what I'm talking about. Would you please share your thoughts so that I can learn?
Katy, I adjusted white balance now as well. Tell me how you like it.
Apart from that I only look at levels normally and unsharp mask (minimum sharpening), sometimes hue saturation . Normally I leave white balance to the Nikon, but in this case the whiter white looks good I have to admit.
The difference might be that there wasn't much sun, so the white didn't stand out that much.
The dandelion is a bit greyish, so I left that as is.
Re: Macro flower photographs
Re: Macro flower photographs
Originally Posted by
Jim B.
this i like, owesome shot ;)
Re: Macro flower photographs