Great thread, I hope this one keeps going till winter, by then of course it will be summer for the other half of the world, so I hope it keeps going all year. There are so many beautiful shots, I can't take the time to comment on them all right now. I don't usually do macro but I put the 18-55 kit lens on the camera today and some close up filters (anywhere from 3 to 6x) I think this one qualifies as macro. The flower is very tiny approx .25".
It's really hard to keep the camera steady enough to keep the focus where it belongs using these filters, so I know it's off on this shot but overall I still liked it. C&C from all you macro shooters (or anyone) is appreciated. I love florals but I don't usually get this close.

Nikon D3000: 18-55mm lens:1/80s: f5.6: ISO 800: 48m: 6x close up filters: