Whoopi - 2 WOWs and capitals yet. Seriously though, this came from CiC. The artboard, the reflector, looking at the shots here, and reading the posts, Osmosis I guess, AND I used a tripod. This is taken with the Nikon. I do like the G1 for flowers, but I have this old set of close up filters that fit the kit lens for the Nikon, so that has been getting more use this year. This one was taken with the 18-200mm lens though.
I would really like some opinions on why this shot stands out and gets WOWs as compared to some of my other shots. If anyone would care to comment it would be appreciated. I know I get a bit wimsical sometimes with florals, maybe I go to far in PP and they look right to me but not to anyone else. Any thoughts would be most helpful. I'll keep trying new things, but I'd like to know what makes this shot so much better than some others. I know why I like it, but I like many of my other shots to and they don't get WOWs.

Sorry, perhaps I should start a new thread for this, but I'm sure there are others here who might like some tips on what makes a good floral shot and why some work and some don't.