My family took a trip to San Antonio, TX to bring the kids to SeaWorld. Of course, I took along with me my trusted Nikon D70 and my only 18-70mm zoom lens. During the ride, I got so disappointed with myself for missing a lot of very, very nice opportunity to stop along the highway and take a shot on those very fleeting photographic moments (Wife won't let me
). One of those shots would have been a vast expanse of open field with only 3 dark colored cows in the field bathe in these small ray of light from a small opening in the sky. It was really surreal due to the way the sky just opened up and with how the cows was lighted by that small ray of light. I was really disappointed for about 5 minutes while driving but safety first so I just told myself "maybe I'll find another chance next time."
Anyway, we arrived in San Antonio safely, got a hotel to stay in, and rested before we brought the kids to SeaWorld. While we were in downtown area and waiting for our turn to cross the street, I noticed this rider on the stop line. I liked the way he handled his bike and his presence. I waited for the chance that he'll see me and he did. Upon eye contact I made a hand gesture pointing to my camera to take a shot. He pointed at me and signaled an OK sign. Woohoo! Without hesitation, as if by instinct, I set my camera to aperture priority, dialed f8 in the opening and fired some shots. I think I was able to take 3 shots before they got their green light and he was gone. What a cool guy!
The Biker in San Antonio TX_non bokeh_small by
jiro bau, on Flickr
Thank you very much for viewing.
Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens set at 50mm, exposure set at Aperture Priority at ISO 200, f8 at 1/125 second, Matrix Metering, Conversion to b&w at lightroom 3.3, Pseudo HDR using -2 EV, and +3 EV from the actual exposure values. The 3 shots was then processed via NIKSoftware HDR Efex Pro inside Photoshop CS5.