#1 Colour
#2 B&W
I didn't vote, because i like them both.
Maybe there's a way to vote for both!
I like them both, but voted for the "colour," which is not very colourful, after all -- I like that it has kind of a vintage, sepia feel, and that warms it up a bit. The B&W just makes me shiver . . .
(how the heck do you add a poll to your post? just curious . . . )
Sorry Wendy, I am with Steve and John. They are both great! I have really tried to pick ONE, but I couldn't. Lovely treatment.
You know my answer but the colour version may work better by lightening the colours a little. I know you were asking about toning but something does not quite sit right with the composition the image seemed a little cramped at the top.
Got it! I am pretty certain that removing the light wedge at the top by cloning the top of the shed upwards to fill the frame will make a more balanced scene.
Elise: here is a link to how to create a poll. It's pretty easy, just put your main message in the message box scroll down to the bottom of the screen and check the "Create Poll" box then click Submit and it will walk you through. I had to go back and Edit my main message because I got the formatting wrong, but that's not a problem.
I think I could have set it up for more than 1 choice too - not sure, but I will check next time.
Cool! Thanks.
The vote has been cast. .... I'm not telling you!
But I'd want to lose those two white patches on the wall on either side of the horse's head
Thanks to everyone who voted. There were only 2 Neither, so I thought it was worth trying a rework based on the feedback given. I know the colour version wins the vote, but I'm kind of partial to the B&W and when Elise said "The black and white just makes me shiver" that kind of sealed it for me. I won't get the same shot with the snow this year anymore (I hope) but when I do try it again, I will go for earlier in the morning when there is some light in the shed. This one was really difficult with the snow and the shed being in shadows.
Anyway here is the rework and thanks again for the votes and the feedback. C&C welcome