I recently burned a DVD for a friend and the files were Tiff 16bit. He could not open the files. I did a search on this and got so much information my head is about to explode. I'm still trying to understand and need someone to dumb it down for meWhat is the best way to convert a file for viewing and printing. I process from RAW to 16bit Tiff, crop and save on DVD to save HD space. I noticed when I try to edit in Elements 7 it must be 8bit, so I don't. After reading my searches I guess 8bit is OK. When you send your files to a lab for printing should they be 8bit, 16bit, Tiff or Jpeg. Whats the norm for best prints. Also a question about RGB and sRGB. I changed the setting on my camera from sRGB to RGB to see if I could see a difference in viewing but could not see any. One thing I did notice it slowed down my camera's processing and lost 1fps or more. I shoot mostly sports so I need the speed. I know RGB covers more of the color spectrum but shooting sports will I need this. After using both and comparing I can't tell the difference. Sorry for the long questions but after reading so much I think I'm leaking information out my ears