I am looking into starting a web site/blogg has any one in CIC had experience in Wordpress and can advise me of a suitable layout/theme that is easy to use ..
I am looking into starting a web site/blogg has any one in CIC had experience in Wordpress and can advise me of a suitable layout/theme that is easy to use ..
This really isn't the specific info you're looking for, but since no one has chimed in, I'll volunteer this little bit.
When I built my site about a year ago, I debated between several CMS options, and I settled on Drupal. So far, I haven't been disappointed one bit. Every time I run across a design element I want to do with the site, I simply dig around in the drupal modules, forums, and sometimes even IRC chat room to find the solution. I'm sure Wordpress has many if not all of the same great features.
However, regardless of wordpress or drupal or any other, I've always found using a layout/theme out of the box to be just barely short of what I wanted. I always had to adjust something - whether it be colors or sizing or what, and often have to compromise or do a significant amount of work to make something work for your needs.
Best of luck!
- Bill
Where do I start?!!
Having been quite disappointed with the likes of Photium and Clikpic, I have recently been looking into a hosted Wordpress site with a photography theme. The latter has been quite a minefield, taking up trials of various themes and looking at templates supposedly geared towards photographers. The crazy thing is that to get a decent gallery, you have to install a plugin, and a lot use NextGen, although I had a bit of an issue with that when trying it out on a website I was building on my computer using a virtual server.
I was only using a free template on that site, which was OK but not perfect, but in the end I decided to go with PhotoPressPro Platinum, as I received good support from the designer to my questions, and the sample sites created using this system looked very professional.
Alternatives are Headway, Genesis, RichWP, and a variety of options from Themeforest, Woothemes and Elegant Themes. Some are cheaper than others. It depends on your budget. There are plenty of free themes about though. If I was to choose any of these, I think I would have gone with Headway for ease of use - at least that's how they make it look!!
You might find something you like among these options. Just Google the above and you should find them. It's a minefield!!
If its for a blog/brochure site, I would recommend WordPress than anything else. Wordpress is just simpler to manage and update. And for themes, there's a lot available for free but the professional themes always comes with a price but they are affordable. If you need also affordable web hosting hit me up.
Many thanks to all who responded. I am looking at wordpress with a local ISP, who does domain management and supports the product.
I have reviewed a web site he has written for my Camera Club and will probably modify to achieve the same effects.
I now only have to pick up the gaunlet !!
David aka Victor
Just, two links to articles you should probably read if you're using WordPress.