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Thread: Cow in the "Blue room"

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Netherlands
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    Cow in the "Blue room"

    A week or two ago, I went to a area that is called the Blauwekamer (translated: blueroom). I went there for some pictures of birds, but when I came there I had to walk a little and this cow came walking by... Please share your C&C

    Cow in the "Blue room"
    Cow in the "Blue room"

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Cow in the "Blue room"

    I don't want to worry you, David, but that looks more like a bull to me!

    The second photo with part of a tree on the right side looks good and well balanced to me, but I would be tempted to crop a little closer with the first one. Not a lot though, you still need a little more space in front than behind; but at the moment it looks a little 'lost'.

    Did you take any nice close up full face shots?

    And yes, I normally step aside when I see something like this blocking the path.

  3. #3

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    Re: Cow in the "Blue room"

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I don't want to worry you, David, but that looks more like a bull to me!
    I am not worried at all, I just wasn't sure what it was or how to call it

    but at the moment it looks a little 'lost'
    I see what you mean... I'll try to do something about it

    Did you take any nice close up full face shots?
    No I didn't... didn't think about it, perhaps I should go back and find another one

    And yes, I normally step aside when I see something like this blocking the path.
    Well it is not as bad as it seems, it didn't move while we were on the path, but when we stepped aside, it started to walk again...
    Anyway thanks for the comment.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Cow in the "Blue room"

    It was a narrow path so when I encountered this pair I took a very quick snap and jumped aside into the bracken.

    Cow in the "Blue room"

    I do live in a farming area so they don't exactly frighten me - but I have learned that when they are in a determined mood they are too heavy to argue with.

    From last summer.

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