Interesting scene, Mick. I like the colors and the serenity of the scene. If I may suggest a small recommended edit, I would like some of the small elements on the lower right be cloned out. Then, crop off some part of the sky so that the horizon sits very near the top 1/3 plane based on the rule of thirds. A little boost on the colors can make it dramatic if you want some extra punch. Nice find!
Jiro, I use Photoshop CS2, but would`nt know where to start recovering highlights
I understand. You could cheat a little by using a dodge and burn approach. This will not try to recover a lot of detail but will instead try to distribute the tonal values depending on where you want to darken or lighten the scene. On CS2 make a new layer and fill it with 50% gray. Do this by going to EDIT < FILL > then on the USE option select 50% gray. Set your foreground color to white if you want to lighten up a part or set it to black to darken that area. Use the brush tool and set the opacity to 100% but set the flow to 3% so you can slowly build up your effect. Good luck. If you hit a dead end post another question and we'll try to help out.
I tried what you suggested Jiro but without success, the highlights turned grey
In that case, that means that those areas does not have any recoverable details in it. Compromise, just take what was given on your shot, then bracket the exposure next time. I would still stick on your 2nd image as it really did made some good changes on your work. We all learn a thing or two once in a while.
Have already changed the tiff image from my stock file, Thanks Jiro .