but look at some of the comments![]()
but look at some of the comments![]()
I agree 100% with the HDR comment! Still think they need to take a bit of a "chill pill" though![]()
I would probably stand neutral. Everything becomes controversial once you converse with a highly opinionated individual. I just always remember what I've read from a certain book: "All things depend on your perspective. Look at the kitchen knife, it can be useful or useless depending on your immediate necessity. It can also be good or dangerous depending on how you use it. It all depends on the person who looks at it. The funny thing is - the knife does not even have an opinion of itself whether he is useful or not."
If by using these techniques it brings food to the table for these photographers then who are we to argue? At least they earn money from these simple (if they are simple) photographic techniques. I look at things like a mirror, I see them, they pass me by, but they do not stay long in my mind. An open mind is always a safe way to look at things for me. Sorry for being philosophical on this one.![]()
Last edited by jiro; 6th April 2011 at 01:56 AM.
I agree on some points, disagree on others.
More importantly though, putting it in terms of our resident philosopher, Willie, it is all a matter of perspective. If you read the article as an authoritative source, then sure, it is probably going to rub just about everyone the wrong way. However, if you can read it from a different perspective, and possibly laugh at the examples and such, and it takes on a whole different feel. Or maybe even take it from a third perspective and possibly think if your own photography and wonder if you over-use any one technique (whether it was listed here or not) and possibly force yourself to break out of a rut, then it was a very useful article.
Heck - whether it is cliche or not, I'll probably still take the photo of myself holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa if/when I get the chance. Because it'll make me laugh, and probably will make my friends and family laugh, so the photo will serve a purpose. I won't sell it, so who cares whether it is a cliche hack of a photo that has been done over and over for decades?!?
- Bill
you just gotta agree with most of it,, take that pic from the piza tower with all those peeps leaning into it, mind you , i show a mate the pic of the ring in the shape of a heart and off he goes to try it because he has never seen it before, lol,
it kind of reminds me of the droplet into water ?, wow, i must emulate that,
yep and so has everybody else,
a million times over,
i think the comments are a bit too cruel tho, cheers martyn
I agree with the aggregate opinions that the writer just likes to complain... and come to think of it, he borrows so many over-used drama-queen writing cliches...
I'm kind of going back and forth on that article. While some of them are very cliched items, the long exposure ones are actually useful photographic techniques. It really does seem like the author is just angry.
my my.... someone is certainly very arrogant in their attitude and approach lol
he/she might do well to learn the simple functions of spelling and grammar checking on his/her computer as well![]()
my motto is , if in doubt HDR it,![]()
There is nothing in the world as pleasing as a good rant, even if it is someone else's.
I'll bet he's sitting reading the comments and desperately trying to hold his sides together having split them laughing. Most of the points he makes are valid in some ways and I love that people have to knock him because their's don't agree. Its the internet version of a Saturday night brawl with plebs hitting each other because they are too thick to have a coherent debate.
Guilty of 50% of these.
The HDR thoughts exactly. Somebody somewhere wearing 3 pairs of dachstein mittens whilst undertaking HDR processing created a "style". The same "style" that is apparent in knitted tank tops and platform shoes for men
Oh and I am so pleased that someone else (probably the only other person in the world) has my aversion to "fluffy" water. This long exposure water shooting is the get rich quick scheme of photography - the snake oil of the digital age. I keep expecting to be stopped by some spiv in a Manchester market who sidles up - opens his raincoat and whispers "hey mate, wanna buy some fluffy water shots on the cheap". As a technique it is as safe as 3 condoms and a marigold glove - It does the job but all feeling is lost in the process. And I am surprised he did not mention shiny rocks that quintessential accompaniment to long exposure soup
As to the others, apart from the James May fantasy photography that is PP'ed tilt and shift - well I couldn't possibly comment.....he is quite simply wrong![]()
I remember the first HDR photo I seen and thought, Hey thats pretty neat, so I downloaded the software and did some myself, after doing a few I quickly got tired of them. there are some that still look pretty cool but its just not for me.
Express yourself with what ever type of photo you want to take, I see artwork that looks like stick men I drew when I was about 5 yrs old sell for thousands, I would not pay a dime for it, but its all what its worth to you and what you like.
Being from Pittsburgh, I have three words for you....
Campbell's. Soup. Cans.
- Bill
I read this and thought it was sort of a fun piece with someone over emphasizing their dislike for certain photographic techniques for dramatic and humorous effect. The I read some (not all) of the responses and thought "Remind me not to piss off these people whoever they are". Maybe it's my natural apathy but I am incapable of getting this exercised over an opinion piece. Maybe if it was on global warming or torturing kittens , but photography? It's someone's opinion, not the Holy Gospel. Calm down. [Except for the HDR bit, those people need the lash]
Who wants to see the tower of Pisa fall down anyway??
Actually, I think you just gave me the idea to do a completely different photo that I have never seen before, and thus the author of that article has no choice but to like (right?)!
When I get to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, I will now be the only person who is taking a photo of myself pushing the tower OVER!
That idea is patent pending, so don't you people go stealing it and make it a hacknied over-used technique by the time I manage to get to Italy!
- Bill
hmm...after reading that... well, I'm new to photography and if what that article says is right... what's there for me to learn that is not cliche'd?I actually like long exposure water... I don't know how to do it yet... but I like it ... I do happen to agree with the perspective and monument thing tho and the HDR photo looks more like a painting to me than a photograph... but that's just me
I agree with the things like holding the piza tower, playing with monument perspective and the old vs young. But it sounds silly to me that for example long exposures are easy and boring, just because about every photographer done something like it. Off course standing out from the rest, that's what makes you different (and maybe better than) from the bunch, is preferable but that doesn't mean you can't stand out in that same genre that's been done a hundred thousand times.
What really feeds this authors statement is that things like HDR processing, agressive tone mapping and long exposures are commonly used with the idea of making a bad photograph good. It's very important to keep in mind that a photograph that doesn't work in the first place will never work. Not when make it look 'impressive' and agressive due to excessive tone mapping or by using a long exposure.
But on the other hand, when applied in the right situation it can create a stunning result. It will always be the guy who knows to handle a camera vs the guy with more equipment than he can (properly) handle. I would put more advanced techniques like HDR and long exposures in the pool of advanced equipment.
as in any art form, which photography is, it is all in the eye of the beholder so carry on with all the techniques because somebody somewhere will love it . I LOVE FLUFFY WATER IN HDR AND POSTERISED OH A BIT OF COLOUR POPPING AS WELL