OK that should have fxed it (learn something new everyday!)
I have made Gurvinder's "Private" Album "Public", since that was obviously the intent.
It has made the images visible in this thread even when I log in with a non-moderator account.
Yep, that did the trick Dave.![]()
A Mac attack with Firefox and Gurvinder's posts downloaded for me to enjoy just fine, with no problems.![]()
Hi, Dave! I still can't see his image. I went to his album and half of them I could see and half, I could only see them in thumbnail. The other half in his album worked fine.
There are some wonderful photos there, too, Gurvinder! "Frozen Moment" is so gorgeous (I'm a sucker for a sunset, I guess) and fancy that we have the same favorite color.BTW, I do like the way that you can "turn a phrase".
Hi Everyone!
I thank Dave for having looked into it, and having fixed the reason...
I wonder if others can see the pictures now..
It was unintentional of me to set the album to private, and that must have been the reason for the glitch.
More than any C&C, I would like to know from friends if they are able to see photographs in my posts now...
Best wishes,
Gurvinder Singh.
Hi Katy,
I am grateful that you took the time to go to my album and care to check it out!
My sincere thanks for kind words, and appreciate your choice of fav color...
Apparently, EVERYONE alive would turn out to be a good photographer, if one has camera in hand, and is present at the right moment! What should make me a better photographer would be, to turn something absolutely normal into mesmerizing photo...
Watching work of other colleagues on this fraternity is sure to ignite the imagination of many of us. Once in a while, it is better to take a break from routine, and go out just capturing moments for a lifetime, and beyond...
Regards, best wishes, and good luck...
Gurvinder :-)
You could be right but, Gurvinder, like you say in your signature, "for eyes that appreciate, beauty is everywhere...." Sometimes, I think that not everyone has eyes to see. Well, or, they haven't learned to open them up to see, yet.
This is so very well said. That is what I have in my mind, too - the mesmerizing photo.What should make me a better photographer would be, to turn something absolutely normal into mesmerizing photo...
Watching work of other colleagues on this fraternity is sure to ignite the imagination of many of us.
Hmm!Once in a while, it is better to take a break from routine, and go out just capturing moments for a lifetime, and beyond...
Regards, best wishes, and good luck...
Gurvinder :-)![]()
Hi Gurvinder,
Since i am able to see all 'three' of your pictures, i assume my system is doing ok. I do like the middle one with the pigeons in the foreground. Nice POV and composition.
In the Singapore one, could you not have gone a little wider. i am not able to see the camera info in ur pic properties???
Hello Sir,
The prob was not with anyone's system, but the fact that I had set my Album to Private, and hence, others could not see the photos in there.
That photo of Clark Quay was taken at ISO 1400, with exposure time of 1/30 sec and f stop at 4.3; the lens was at 66 mm focal length, on D70s body. I do appreciate your comment about having composed it a bit wider. A broader panorama must have had better appeal...
Anyways, maybe some other day!
Right now, I am trying to read as much as possible about PP; and hope to start shooting RAW and post PP images as and when i get reasonable results, or photos that i wish to have C&C from forum...
Let's see if this helps me get better with my DSLR...
Regards and best wishes,
Gurvinder... :-)
Hey Topchi (Mind if I call you that? I find it interesting. )
Thats a beautiful shot. Well balanced. Did you try cloning out road on the left side (8 o' Clock)
This shot makes me feel like visiting East India all the more..
Dear Gurvinder, thanks for your lovely comments, actually i dont know how to start new thread... if you can help me pl.
Dear Ravjeet,
This is something which even I had trouble with when I started.
What you need to do is to go one step back on this fourm, meaning thereby that now you are looking at Threads posted in the forum Nature and Architecture. You go to top of this page and click on Nature and Architecture forum link, that action would take you to the first page of that forum, and listing of all the threads. There on top itself is the link to start a new thread.
Hope this helps...
All the best...
Gurvinder... :-)