Hello Satyendra,
Nice pictures! Congratulations...
I like In Sickness and In Health the most of this lot, and wonder how would it have looked if the Health would have been without shadow... Maybe, you kept it so intentionally...
Simian Solitude looks quite full of nostalgia... Eyes of animals have lot of stories to tell...
Wishing you many many more such beautiful sessions!
Best wishes,
Gurvinder Singh.
Thanks Gurvinder,
These are some of the pics taken long back with some basic beginner's hardware. Just acquired a Canon 5d Mk II with 24-105 and hoping to do better with each shutter click. Looking forward to your work as well.
I realise we don't know your proper name, although it may be contained within your user name. Like Gurvinder above, you can edit your profile and insert your proper name under 'Real name'. The we will know how to address you.
Anyway, on to your images.
I do not think the subject matter of the first one lends itself to a silhouette. I think the people needed to be more isolated from the land in the background.
The image of the Simian is well executed with, in my opinion, just the rigth amount of blur in the background.
The third is an excellent example of a successful silhouette. Full of mood and atmosphere. I like that very much.
And finally, Morning in Goa is wonderful because, for me, over and above its technical competency, it captures the mood, the ambience, the atmosphere of coastal India. In terms of technical matters, I think it maybe needs a small counter-clockwise rotation - the line of water meeting land on the far shore, seems to be sloping down to the right.
Last edited by Donald; 8th April 2011 at 09:00 AM.
Hi Donald,
The name thing has been taken care of. Thanks.
The Simian one, happens to be one of my favourites. The pensive mood of the subject somehow appeals to me, always.
Morning in Goa, I was trying to expose the highlights correctly, that's why this pic was taken.
I guess you mean the fourth pic, the one with the golden sea.
How about the Sickness and Health one. It was high up in a tree and the POV was quite restrictive.
Thanks a lot.