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Thread: Which canon

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Val Mansfield

    Which canon

    Greetings everyone, this is my first post here and I am hoping for some advice.

    I had decided to buy a Canon 7D until I saw a catalogue for the 60D. The main differences that I can see are the twin processors on the 7D (which allows 8 frames per second) and the 100% coverage of the viewfinder.

    The 60D has a moveable screen whilst the screen on the 7D is fixed. I have never been a fan of using a screen, but my Sony has a screen with limited movement and that has allowed me to take some photographs which I couldn’t have taken with a 7D; camera held high above the head for example.

    The 60D is also about two thirds the cost of the 7D and is lighter, which is a factor as I take most of my photographs whilst travelling.

    Does anyone have any thoughts, or any experience with both cameras?

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Which canon


    Have a read of this thread, in which the exact same question was asked.

    Welcome to CiC by the way.

  3. #3
    victor's Avatar
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    Re: Which canon


    The 7D also has a very different focusing system to the 60D.

    I looked at both and bought a 7D. You only spend once on a camera of these specs.

    Both are good cameras. Check reviews that compare both first then buy.


  4. #4
    Nicola's Avatar
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    Re: Which canon

    Quote Originally Posted by Val Mansfield View Post
    Greetings everyone, this is my first post here and I am hoping for some advice.

    I had decided to buy a Canon 7D until I saw a catalogue for the 60D. The main differences that I can see are the twin processors on the 7D (which allows 8 frames per second) and the 100% coverage of the viewfinder.

    The 60D has a moveable screen whilst the screen on the 7D is fixed. I have never been a fan of using a screen, but my Sony has a screen with limited movement and that has allowed me to take some photographs which I couldn’t have taken with a 7D; camera held high above the head for example.

    The 60D is also about two thirds the cost of the 7D and is lighter, which is a factor as I take most of my photographs whilst travelling.

    Does anyone have any thoughts, or any experience with both cameras?
    I have heard some rumors about the launch of the new 7D mark II, so the price of the 7D 'mark I' will decrease significantly, probably you should wait a bit....


  5. #5

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    Re: Which canon

    A lot of bird photographers like the 7D because it gives them faster focusing; although I am also seeing quite a few questions from people who find the 7D a bit confusing to operate. But I haven't used it myself.

    I still like the 40D with no video or tilting screen.

    The 60D is an all plastic body, although so far, I haven't heard of that causing any problems.

    I did check out some prices recently and found that the few remaining new 50D bodies were selling in the UK for more than the 60D.

  6. #6

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    Re: Which canon

    I used 7D for half a year.
    I like its 7 fps for my daughter's skating (sport photography)
    It is this feature lead me to 7D over other camera.
    7D also can use its pop up flash to wirelss control external flash.
    for more details, go You tube ( for tutorial, video clip...) or dig down its specification and you will have your own result.
    Dual processors.....
    7D is among the 5dMarkII and a level down from 1 Series.....
    think about its status.
    I love it


  7. #7
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    Re: Which canon

    I have 60D. I wish I had a 7d. To me, the biggest differentiator is the consideration for AF(auto focusing) design. The other differences are kind of "nice to have" things. Exactly same crop ratio, , # of pixels, digic4 processor, etc. I would invest more for easy and accurate auto focusing because focusing is one of the most crucial tasks to the photographers.


  8. #8

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    Re: Which canon

    The 7D is "kinda" a 1.6x crop-factor version of a 1D series - so "bigger / better / Stronger / Faster". Esp in areas of speed / AF etc.

  9. #9
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Which canon

    Quote Originally Posted by Val Mansfield View Post
    The 60D has a moveable screen whilst the screen on the 7D is fixed. I have never been a fan of using a screen, but my Sony has a screen with limited movement and that has allowed me to take some photographs which I couldn’t have taken with a 7D; camera held high above the head for example.
    I know I'm late to this party, but after reading this, it really struck me...

    It isn't that you couldn't get the same shot with the 7D (or any camera without an articulating screen)... just you wouldn't be able to get the same shot as easily.

    I once talked to a professional photographer who told me that one of the things he did to stay sharp in different areas is to force himself to only use certain techniques during his free time shooting (when on the job, he did whatever he needed to do to get the job done properly). One example he gave was that he went an entire year without using live view or looking through the viewfinder. He would compose things basically blind, knowing how changing the angle of his camera would affect the composition. He decreased his keeper percentage greatly, but it kept him sharp in using alternative points of view.

    I have an older shot that I took while standing in a stream up to my knees and holding the camera an inch above water level. It took probably 20 shots to get the one I wanted, but I did it. Since we're shooting digital, we can do that with no added cost.

    Yeah... articulating LCD screens with live view are a great tool (and they're all the rage with the new models coming out it seems)... but don't let that overshadow more important features... and definitely don't let the lack of an articulating screen make you think you are unable to capture the same shot.

    Push yourself and you'll likely find that you can do it... and while the end result might look 100% identical, you will probably have a bit more pride in a shot that took a little more effort.

    Sorry - guess I really got on a soapbox there for a bit.

    - Bill

  10. #10

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    Re: Which canon

    Hi, Well I used a 40D up untill a few weeks back now I have a 1Ds Mk II, I no it is now I think 5 to 6 years old but what a great camera and remember when new they cost up around £5000+ now you can get them at £1000 to £1400. with as little 10,000 activations on a shutter that should do 200,000
    Also like to point out as I have been told on occassions that it's not the camera that takes the photograph it's the person behind it.
    Also feel a good quility lens is more important than MP's unless you want to fit an advertisement board!!!

  11. #11
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Which canon

    To me, the differences between the 7D and the 60D are:
    • magnesium alloy vs. polycarbonate body
    • Autofocus microadjust
    • Twin processors
    • Higher burst frame rate
    • More sophisticated, more configurable AF system
    • Enhanced physical UI (joystick vs. control ring; additional quickset buttons on top LCD; 3 C modes, rather than just 1)
    • No scene modes on the dial (this is a feature--it gives you more space for custom modes YOU program).
    • LCD overlay in the viewfinder (on/off gridlines vs. interchangeable focus screens)
    • Fixed LCD vs. flip-out.
    • Less compatibility with dRebel accessories (N3 cable release, not 2.5mm miniplug; CF cards, not SD, etc.)

    Both cameras, however, have the master in the pop-up flash (despite what an earlier post intimated--hell, even the 600D/T3i has that, now), both have the more advanced dual-wheel controls and top-panel LCD that put them above the dRebels for overall control and ergonomics/speed, and both are noticeably heavier and larger than the dRebels. The 60D, however, is closer to the dRebel and easier to transition to if you're coming from one of the XXXD models.

    People who dismiss the 60D as "just a dRebel" have probably not shot with either a dRebel or a 60D. All they did was read dpreview's and parrot conclusion without actually reading the review or the specs. The 60D is 90% of the 50D's weight, and only 1mm smaller on each dimension than a 50D, which makes it substantially larger and heavier than a dRebel. The 50D has no video, no flash master in the pop-up, and no digital level. Things even the T3i has now.

    Pick and choose your priorities.

  12. #12
    koolkat's Avatar
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    Re: Which canon

    Thanks for all this information as I'm in the process of searching for and buying a 7D as an upgrade from my 400D/XTI. That camera has served me well for several years but I would like some additional features to move forward. The 7D's AF feature is my main interest, the live view for macro work would be helpful. Video is not a feature I'm needing, its just going to be an additional item to use.
    As I mainly shoot wildlife I think the burst mode & ability to move MBs of data faster will be helpful. I do agree that the lens is the main item & only with quality lens can solid good quality keepers increase. I've rented several "L" lens, 300 & 400 mm along with the 100x400 lens. I missed a great shot of a Zoo tiger in a tree hiding behind branches and my shot was not focused for a great shot, was it me, the lens I was using, Tamron 18x270 or what will be hard to say but I still think I want the 7D.

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