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Thread: Go with The Clouds

  1. #1
    Vbraun Koe's Avatar
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    Venny ME Braun

    Go with The Clouds

    Hello..this is my premier picture for photo commentary in this Thread.
    This picture below was taken few minutes after heavy sandy-storm in Dubai creek in front of the Terrace view of Park Hyatt in Jan 28, 2011. I took the picture with Nikon D5000, handheld, minimum aperture f25, focal length 22mm,ISO 200. please give some comment?
    Go with The Clouds
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 14th April 2011 at 06:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Go with The Clouds


    As you can see, I have moved your post into its own new, thread.

    It was not related to the thread into which you posted it. We would only use 'Reply' to a thread if what we wanted to contribute was connected to the original post in that thread.

    Your image is one that you are posting for comment in its own right. Therefore, it should have its own thread.

    It's takes a while to get used to how the forum works, but hopefully this makes sense to you.

  3. #3
    Vbraun Koe's Avatar
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    Re: Go with The Clouds

    Yeah ..I just realized, thanks again. Btw, how to post my images in its own thread? Because I only see quick reply and reply to the thread in the bottom of the page, let me know...

  4. #4

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    Re: Go with The Clouds

    Quote Originally Posted by Vbraun Koe View Post
    Btw, how to post my images in its own thread? Because I only see quick reply and reply to the thread in the bottom of the page, let me know...
    Hi Venny,

    Just click the HELP!/Rules button at the top of the screen, and have a read through the image posting instructions.

  5. #5

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    Re: Go with The Clouds

    Anyway, back to the photo. I think that image has potential, Venny, but the exposure has produced a rather dark foreground. Anything brighter would have ruined the sky, so it will require a bit of 'special' treatment.

    I would simply, once again, edit with a layer and mask to brighten the foreground but exclude the sky.

  6. #6
    Vbraun Koe's Avatar
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    Re: Go with The Clouds

    Thanks Geoff for your beneficial input,
    I previosly worked in the layer but masked everything I will try again...

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Go with The Clouds

    I was thinking about something like this

    Go with The Clouds

    But this is just a very quick edit with the reduced software which I have on my internet computer.

    I simply used a Curves Adjustment Layer (or curves plus a reveal all mask) to adjust for the foreground. Then painted over the sky with a 'black' soft edged brush at 30% opacity to reveal the original darker sky. Work on the mask not the actual Curves box.

    By gradually building up the effect with several passes I was able to 'feather' the join between sky and sea.

    A gradient layer would be another option but I think that simple brushing is sufficient here.

  8. #8
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Re: Go with The Clouds

    This is an interesting image Venny. To me you seem to have a very busy sky as well as a very busy foreground, which will always be difficult as they are competing for attention. Your busy sky would perhaps go better with a sandy beach scene and your busy foreground with a more quieter sky. This is just my opinion and others may view it differently. It would be fun to do the edits and see if I am right. Nice work though.

  9. #9
    Vbraun Koe's Avatar
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    Re: Go with The Clouds

    Thanks for your C&C Chrish
    Anyway, I will try to capture more images next time, as that image was taken in dubai creek (no sand surround anyway)
    & happened few minutes after heavy storm (this could be explained why the sky was too busy

  10. #10

    Re: Go with The Clouds

    minimum aperture f25, focal length 22mm,ISO 200.
    It would be interesting to know how you arrived at these settings. Given that you are using aperture priority you have obviously set f/25. This means you have had to up the ISO and still getting 1/6 sec shutter. Was the f/25 selected for a reason? These settings give a rather dull image (Geoff's PP makes things much better). I have to agree with the comments on the composition too very fussy and not helped by a central horizon. If you are shooting a busy scene like this you need to look for lines and combinations of shape and form that give structure to the image.

    It is not a bad shot Venny I think it just needs a little more thinking time before hitting the shutter.

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