The sky is a bit flat...Did you set your black and white points correctly? I love it...right up to the skyline where it just sort of dies.
Compleat...well, what can you expect of a people who leave out "e's" only to be replaced with "a's, and put "u's" in color, "s's" in place of "z's"...I don't know....whatever are these UK'ers thinking?
The colonies have it right; bastardize the whole thing to where no one recognizes it, then call it the world's standard...hey, works for us!
I don't think the sky is too bad, but the shadowy area in the front bothers me -- what if you cut off much sky and shadow and did a more panoramic crop? Just a thought, probably not a good one.
It is always a matter of taste...but I went in and set the white and black points, then did a little selective burning and dodging in the sky and got a somewhat different's always hard to second guess someone else's intentions... what do you think of this version?
One of the things I liked most about this image was the repetitive darks and lights, both in the clouds and on the ground. The banding kept my eye moving - well, up to a point and at that point is where I began to get a little lost. In my verson, I think the banding continues and hold the light areas in check with the darker areas..
Last edited by MiniChris; 17th April 2011 at 04:45 PM. Reason: I really need a new keyboard!
With humble apologies I find in my haste I have posted the wrong image - This is not the shot from my 70-300 mm, but from a EF 28-90 mm.
That second image has a lot more pop but the dark clouds on the left side appear to be getting just a little noisy. Possibly a little more selectiveness with brightness and or sharpening is required.
This is potentially an excellent photo so I think it is worth the effort to get everything perfect. It will be easier to see and control in the original
Compleat is the correct Old English spelling. The first angling book published in England, possibly the world, was The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton. (approx 1650)
Last edited by Geoff F; 17th April 2011 at 07:16 PM. Reason: extra paragraph
Most definitely...the added golden glow does the final trick...nice remake. Doing the set points, and selective burn/dodge even brings out the whiteness of the gent's hair as he and the missus have sit by the river.
Yes, that is better! This is such an interesting image - the late, long evening shadows in the graveyard on the one side and the sun washing/evening glow on the restaurant on the other side. Both sides look so fun to me, I don't know which I'd rather explore. Does one want the nice meal or a good explore in the graveyard? What a gorgeous spot.