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Thread: Is my Canon faulty?

  1. #1
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Is my Canon faulty?

    Hi All,

    I recently bought myself a 2nd hand Canon EOS 400d. Being a complete noobie to slr cameras I have been doing alot of reading and experimenting with the camera.

    The camera I bought actually had a problem which I didnt notice until after a couple of days, basically the buildt in flash unit is bust. Bulb seems gone as I can see loose parts moving around in there. Flash still fires but it's really low/bad.

    Another thing Ive noticed is that when im in Shutter priority mode, the photos are ALWAYS dark, like black dark. If i go outside in the sun, it works but the photos are still very dark, and thats using a 1600 ISO.

    Is my sensor also damaged? Does anybody know how I can resolve this or will i need to have the camera sent for repairs?

    Looking forward to some replies.


  2. #2

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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Hi Mong,

    Parts moving around inside the popup flash seems like a pretty bad sign -- so I'd say that something's not right there. I guess the other 2 options are (a) don't use it, or (2) Use an external flash.

    With regards to the problems you're having in Tv (shutter priority) mode -- it all repends on what you have set; if you have a very fast shutter speed set then the camera may not be able to open the aperture wide enough to get a good exposure. Try taking a shot outside on a bright and sunny day with the shutter set to 1/100th, and the ISO set to 100 - the camera should choose an aperture of around F16, and you should get a good exposure.

  3. #3
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Hi Colin,

    Thanks for that. I checked for prices on new flash mounts for the body and they are like £50.00 this does not include installation costs! So im just going to go the hot shoe route.

    I tried various shutter speeds, i think the lowest I went was 1/200 and the pictures were still really dark, almost black. Not sure if im doing something wrong though?

  4. #4

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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongwopman View Post
    I tried various shutter speeds, i think the lowest I went was 1/200 and the pictures were still really dark, almost black. Not sure if im doing something wrong though?
    Try one outside on a sunny day in manual mode 1/100th F16 ISO 100 and see what happens. My guess is that you have some excpsure compensation dial in. It would help if you could post a shot here with EXIF data intact.

  5. #5
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    How do I know if the EXIF data is intact or not?

  6. #6
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Is there a way you can return this camera to the one who sold it to you? Sounds like a lemon to me.

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongwopman View Post
    How do I know if the EXIF data is intact or not?
    What Colin is meaning is that when you take the photograph it records the shutter speed, aperture value, exposure mode and whole lot of other information about the shot and embeds that in the file.

    Depending on the software programme you use for processing your images, this data can be held on the file and when you post your picture on CiC we can, by right clicking the mouse on the picture and selecting 'View Exif Data' (or something similar) that is part of the Browser, we can see all this information.

    If the data is not embedded, then it will be useful if you post an image and below it write in all the information.
    Shooting Mode (Tv or Av or Manual etc)
    Shutter (Tv) speed
    Aperture (Av) value
    Metering Mode (e.g. Evaluative; Centre weighted; Spot)
    ISO Speed
    White Balance Mode
    AF Mode
    Last edited by Donald; 18th April 2011 at 12:28 PM.

  8. #8
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    You don't need 1600 iso outside unless it is dark; streetlighting, but I can get away with 800 iso even then. If you stick it on auto and press the button at a reasonably well lit subject, such as lit by the sun from the side, then you should get a reasonably good picture.

    Or set manual f11 @ 1/60 100iso on a sunny day and you should get a reasonable picture; this was what my first camera, a kodak thing was permanently set at.

    If you don't then I think you should send the boys round to the seller.

  9. #9
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Ahhh ok! Cool, I'll do as suggested.

    Will bring the camera in to work tomorrow so I can take the test photos at lunch and then post the results here.
    On Av, it's fine, just really dark when I user Tv mode.

  10. #10
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Ok, so I went home and playes around as suggested. Seems that I had the shutter set wrong. When using on say 1/2000 it was almost black.

    So I tried 1/120 and still was'nt happy. Bearing in mind apature is auto and was around F4.5. Then I dropped lower to 1/10 or 1/15 and on tungsten light it come out MUCH better. Better light and everything! Thanks so much!

    I was worried i had a dud! Now to get a external flash unit!

  11. #11

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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongwopman View Post
    So I tried 1/120 and still was'nt happy. Bearing in mind apature is auto and was around F4.5. Then I dropped lower to 1/10 or 1/15 and on tungsten light it come out MUCH better. Better light and everything! Thanks so much!
    Hi Mong,

    To be honest, the numbers still don't add up - at ISO 100 and F4.5 you should be able to get a normal exposure at 1/800th outside on a sunny day. I'm almost starting to wonder if you have a stuck aperture.

    When you take a shot in Av mode, what aperture and shutterspeed are being used? (assuming ISO 100)?

    I'd still like to see a shot with EXIF data included.

  12. #12
    Nass's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Agree with Colin.

    Clearly the sensor isn't broken if it's fine on Av. Were you inside with lighting when you had to use 1/10, f4.5 and tungsten?

  13. #13
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nass View Post
    Agree with Colin.

    Clearly the sensor isn't broken if it's fine on Av. Were you inside with lighting when you had to use 1/10, f4.5 and tungsten?
    Yes I was, and it was dusk-ish. Will still take camera with to work tomorrow and take more shots and upload them.

  14. #14
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    ok. Then maybe those exposure times make sense. Let us know what it makes you expose at outside in the sun

  15. #15
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Will do. I brought with today. Have you got any settings I must try test at or just go random?

  16. #16
    pwnage101's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    If you are outdoors during the daytime try this sequence (in manual mode):

    1/125s, f16, ISO 100
    1/500s, f11, ISO 200
    1/1000s, f16, ISO 800
    1/1000s, f11, ISO 400
    1/1000s, f5.6, ISO 100

    If your camera is not faulty these should all look almost identical. If you wish to have a more comprehensive test, try these settings in a well lit INDOOR area:

    1/15s, f5.6, ISO 200
    1/30s, f8, ISO 800
    1/30s, f5.6, ISO 400
    1/60s, f8, ISO 1600
    1/60s, f5.6, ISO 800
    Last edited by pwnage101; 19th April 2011 at 09:30 AM.

  17. #17
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Manual mode, will try this. Any ideas for Tv mode as this was where I was having the most issues.

  18. #18
    Nass's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Not sure where you live, but just set it onto standard daytime exposure, ISO 100 and take a few shots outside at f8. Then post one here and tell us the settings that your camera typically wanted you to use (shutter speed). That should provide enough data to see if it's wonky or not.

  19. #19
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    If I take shots and upload, will they retain their data for you or do you need me to email them direct to you?

  20. #20
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Is my Canon faulty?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongwopman View Post
    If I take shots and upload, will they retain their data for you or do you need me to email them direct to you?
    That depends.

    Some PP software will hold onto the data and a viewer can look at it. Other packages ditch it.

    Safer for you to manually note it alongside your image.

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