To be honest, there is something about the composition here that disrupts me from even focusing on the water movement. I think the fact that the pipe and subsequently its shadow both come out of nowhere just seems unbalanced. We see where the water ends, but I think we need to see the whole fixture of the pipe coming out of the wall (there is a tiny piece of it show, but that just adds to the disruption of the flow that my eyes are looking for).
Then the 1/15th second exposure is causing those bright reflections in the water that are really taking away from the movement of it. Honestly, I think the fact that the water is flowing near crystal clear, this would be a case to go with a faster shutter speed and freeze the motion. Perhaps firing multiple fast exposures and finding one where the bubbles on the surface of the water produce a pleasing pattern would have served this subject better.
What I do like about the shot is the ability to look at something which most people would simply overlook and being able to view it with an artistic eye and find something worth capturing.
I hope you don't think I'm being too harsh, just trying to give constructive suggestions. Keep at it, I'm definitely looking forward to more!
- Bill