Can you guys walk us newbies through your manual shooting workflow? I have many (way too many) questions. I hope I don't sound skeptical. I'm genuinely intrigued. :-)
-Are your eyes the meter, or do you still rely on your camera's meter?
-If the former, how do you judge your scene? Just based on past experience?
-If the latter, what's different about choosing an exposure manually that your camera would have picked anyway? And do you use evaluative, center, or spot metering?
-Is manual shooting a lot of trial and error, i.e. looking at display & histogram and reshooting again and again?
-Is ETTR involved when applicable, or are you always trying to nail the tones in-camera?
-manual ISO or auto? I'm guessing manual.
-Do you rely on auto WB or do you preset your WB based on lighting conditions?
Obviously some kinds of shooting can't easily be done manually. Action sports and birds in flight come to mind. On the other end, manually shooting landscapes and/or still life seems like a no-brainer. Street photography and just wandering around and shooting whatever catches your eye sounds questionable. I'd worry about missing a moment. What's been your experience?
Thanks. :-)