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Thread: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    ©Image, Steve (Wirefox)

    In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Name: Sahil Jain
    Location: Chandigarh, India.

    CiC: Thanks very much for taking the time to talk to us today.

    Thanks for this opportunity. It’s absolutely my pleasure.

    Perhaps we can start by you telling us something about your general back-ground. What about your work history – anything interesting?

    I’m an MBA (fin) and presently working as a Financial Analyst, in a company that deals in Corporate Finance. I have spent all my life in Chandigarh, India. Never felt like going away from my family. Well, I am sure you all must be finding this weird, but that’s somewhat a part of Indian Culture.

    And what about your family life?

    As I mentioned I stay with my parents, and have one younger sister & not to forget, a pair of Budgies (my pet birds). My Dad is a Cost Accountant & is a head of an Insurance Brokership Company. Mom is a home-maker. My sister is a special child & goes to school. My father always has been my role model.

    Once, when I was 5 or 6, my mum asked me “Son, what do you want to be, when you grow up?”
    I said “I want to become dad, when I grow up!” Instead of “Become like my dad! ” My mum still makes fun of me for that.

    If you were staying in tonight, what would you choose as one of your favourite books and/or films to keep you entertained, and what you be having as a favourite meal?

    I used to enjoy reading. As a matter of fact, I still do. But I don’t really find time to read much. I started reading a novel last year but haven’t finished it as yet. Some small article in a magazine may be. Same goes with movies. It happens so many times that I watch a movie in bits & pieces. But if I have to have to read a book, I would pick Sydney Sheldon’s “If Tomorrow Comes” or “Tell me Your Dreams.” These two novels I have read quite a few times & can read them again. As for a movie, any action or a comedy flick would do for me. I am not a foodie, so any mid-night snack would do.


    In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    OK, photography is a given, but what about other hobbies or personal interests?

    Listening to music, driving & travelling. I haven’t travelled A LOT but whenever I have, I have enjoyed it to my heart’s content. Now as I have started my career, I wish to travel more & more, provided my bosses give me the leave.

    Let's get on to photography - how long have you been a photographer, and what got you interested in the first place?

    As a serious photographer, may be 1.5 years. I have always had an inclination towards photography. I have always felt that every moment happens just once. It must be captured & preserved for future & photography is the key.

    What type of photography are you interested in, and why?

    It has taken me quite sometime to figure out, what kind of photography I am interested in. I enjoy taking pictures of landscapes & kids.

    Any particular photographic influences?

    I had joined a guinea pig forum 3 years back. In their General talk section there was a thread for random pictures. I started posting my pictures there & came across pictures from Bob. I was dumbstruck. It was like first time I was seeing images with great visual appeal, sharpness, colours, crispness & what not. I saw those light streaks, which I otherwise always thought were computer processed shots. It was him who really showed me what actually photography was. I already had an inclination towards photography & he ignited the spark. I took things seriously & started reading. If I had any query, he very patiently replied to it & explained things very well. Here is the link to his photo-stream.

    What do you hope to achieve through your photography - or what have you achieved already?

    Just appreciation, maybe. I am still a beginner, so can’t say much. My expectations from photography might change with time. I might want to take it professionally in future. For now, I just want to be known as a good photographer.

    What you think of CiC? Any way it could be improved? Where should it go from here, in your opinion?

    CiC has been a blessing for me. I have learnt SO much here. Looking back at the kinds of picture I started posting here & how they are now, my photography skills have improved A LOT. Heartiest thanks to all the members, who gave me inputs & constructive criticism which have helped me improve a lot.


    In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Getting more personal if you don't mind...what keeps you awake at night, apart from Photoshop?

    Ah! This question has taken me back to good old days when I had lots of girls in my life. Some became boring & others are married. So now, if I am up at night, Photoshop takes the cake.

    I have to ask this…. What photographic gear do you own, and what software do you use for editing?

    I have a Nikon D3000. Prior to this I was using P&S Sony cybershot DSC-W80. I have a kit lens, 18-55mm, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 & a sigma 70-300 APO DG. For post processing use Photoshop CS-5.
    I remember how determined I was, when I had just bought the camera with kit lens, that I would not buy any lens & accessories before one year. But I had to give in. Now I am desperate to upgrade my whole kit.

    It’s a tough one to answer, but how would you rate your photographic skills and ability?

    Well I seek that answer from everyone who has seen my clicks. But for the sake of answering it, on a scale of 1-10 (1 being BAD & 10 being Awesome) I would give myself 4 points.

    What will the digital camera be like in 2020? And will you still own one?

    Capable of taking 3D pictures, maybe... & in built tripod, maybe

    Are you in a position to help or encourage others in their photography?

    I am sure I can be of some help to absolute beginners. I can share the basics & my experience with beginners.

    Another tough one for you…do you consider photography to be art?

    Absolutely. Besides technical aspects it’s all art. It takes creativity to make ordinary things look outstanding.

    How do you feel about having your own shot taken?

    I am pretty camera shy. There are very few people whom I feel comfortable with when it comes to getting my own shots taken.

    What single piece of advice do you think is most useful to someone starting out with photography?

    I really feel that I have learnt a lot, just by looking at others work. I have spent a good time on flickr looking at shots taken by others. Take a LOT of shots in the beginning & once you have got a hang of relationship between, Shutter Speed, Aperture Value & ISO, start realising frame value. And Gradually, Instead of taking several shots of a subject, try to spend a good time on taking a good shot, in one go.

    Can we see two of your shots that mean something special to you, and could you explain why.
    In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain
    The Image above is special to me because of the importance of the subject/model in my life. She has always been very special to me. We have been very good friends for 6 years now & if things stay in our favour, we might get married soon.
    In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain
    Well, this shot was taken in Ladakh, India. This is one place I had always dreamt of going to, and being there was certainly a dream come true. This place has really got me captivated.

    That's all we have time for, Sahil. Thank you for taking the time to talk to CiC.

    Thanks, Donald. It’s my pleasure to be a part of this activity

    To view previous interviews in this series, click here

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Nice to know something about you, Sahil. Thanks for sharing!

  3. #3
    rob marshall

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    This question has taken me back to good old days when I had lots of girls in my life.

    Know exactly what you mean, mate. I'm in the same position (but I've been there for a lot longer).

    You come across as such a nice boy (no disrespect intended) The lady in your life (in the photo) is very lucky. An interesting read - thanks for contributing.

  4. #4

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Good to know you a little better Sahil. A good read and it seems you are certainly starting out on the right foot. I started out on the left foot and the right has never quite caught up.

    Some became boring & others are married
    That never stopped the England football squad....are you sure yo don't live in Altrincham?

    am sure I can be of some help to absolute beginners. I can share the basics & my experience with beginners.
    Sahil, you certainly do that on CiC. I always enjoy reading your posts.

  5. #5
    maja mars's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Nice to read your story, now we know a little more of you, good pictures thnx for sharing.

  6. #6

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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    "I would give myself 4 points." Well, I would rate your photography much higher, and a little complement from an old lady - you are every bit as good looking as your girlfriend and will make a stunning couple.

  7. #7

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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    I have to agree with everyone about your story being an interesting read...I am always amazed at how similar we all are in this quest to become better photographers, and the journey we all take seems to follow the same pathways. Good luck with your photography and with a most pretty lady.

  8. #8
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Great read Sahil, and I would have to agree the 4 is a bit on the low side. I also wish you good luck with your future path both with photography and with your lady friend.

  9. #9

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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain


    Very nice interview. O, that last picture, of the landscape, it's so great. I have seen it before somewhere here in the forum, it's one of my favourites. As for your marriage, which forum member are you going to call to take the photos of the wedding? =)

    And since you enjoy travelling, come to Rio, we have very nice spots here to be captured.

  10. #10

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    Sahil Jain

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post

    Know exactly what you mean, mate. I'm in the same position (but I've been there for a lot longer).
    This is what I mean by good old time

    You come across as such a nice boy (no disrespect intended) The lady in your life (in the photo) is very lucky. An interesting read - thanks for contributing
    And I hope she feels the same way.

  11. #11

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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Steve:- That never stopped the England football squad....are you sure yo don't live in Altrincham
    It shouldn't stop me either then

    I would have to agree the 4 is a bit on the low side.
    Well, I would rate your photography much higher.
    Yea?! Thanks.

    a little complement from an old lady - you are every bit as good looking as your girlfriend and will make a stunning couple.
    Chris:- and with a most pretty lady
    Much thanks I will pass the compliments to her

    Jonathan:- I have seen it before somewhere here in the forum, it's one of my favourites
    Thanks . I posted them last year. I will find the thread for you if you want. & My Ladakh shots are my personal favourites too

    As for your marriage, which forum member are you going to call to take the photos of the wedding?
    You just mentioned the W word!
    I hope to see another Wedding thread starting soon then
    It would be awesome to have all my CiC friends standing by me during one of my toughest phase

    And Rio! Noted

  12. #12

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    Sahil Jain

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    And a BIG thanks to Donald for bearing with me during this interview. So much delays from my side....
    I hope he & others are enjoying their holidays to the fullest!

  13. #13
    stevewe88's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Thanks for sharing Sahil. I too like the Ladakh shot, very nice indeed.

  14. #14

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    Sahil Jain

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Thanks Steve

    I just noticed that link to the photostream of the guy whom I have mentioned under "Photographic Influences" is missing.

    Here is the Link to his Flickr account.

  15. #15
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    and from another D3000 user ... thanks Sahil for sharing.

  16. #16

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    Sahil Jain

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Quote Originally Posted by RonH View Post
    and from another D3000 user ... thanks Sahil for sharing.
    Cheers, Ron

  17. #17
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
    And a BIG thanks to Donald for bearing with me during this interview. So much delays from my side....
    You exaggerate. Any delay that there might have been was well worth it. A pleasure to be involved in it.

  18. #18

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    Sahil Jain

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    You exaggerate. Any delay that there might have been was well worth it. A pleasure to be involved in it.
    & where else do you guys find such nice mods

  19. #19

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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    If some of you haven't gotten to know Sahil... You are missing out. The beautiful lady is indeed, very lucky. Sahil has left fingerprints on my heart... not once... but twice. Sahil, you have unexpectedly blessed me yet again... today. Thank you. ~Lucy

  20. #20
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: In conversation with .......... Sahil Jain

    Hi Sahil,

    Not sure how I can add to the other folks comments;
    4 is too low; 6 or 7
    Look after that gorgeous girl

    Good luck with life, love and photography in future,

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