You must do better phamaceuticals than the rest of us
I think the moderators should know that the five apples I steeled myself to pick out of the bin at the supermarket tonight, despite Wirefox's disturbing submission of earlier today, acted in a manner most peculiar in that they leapt out of my hands and onto the floor, causing me to jump in the air and utter a startled "oh!", much to the amusement of my fellow shoppers, and my consternation. Now, although these apples had been carefully checked for eyes and were determined to have none, they rolled about on the floor as if guided by some unseen force until they settled in a pattern not unlike a pentagram. Needless to say, I did not bring them home.
I feel this event, coming so soon after Wirefox's posting, cannot be mere coincidence and I therefore urge the moderators to open a file and all members to report any suspicious behaviour on the part of apples. I fear that this photographic "wizard" in our midst may in fact be a genuine practitioner of the dark arts, which is to say, a warlock. You have been warned.
Last edited by purplehaze; 24th April 2011 at 05:18 AM.
I thought I accidentally tuned in to the CBS reality channel.![]()
Hello Steve
I like the first version. It's more direct than the second. Were you thinking of good King Tut when you created this? I love the colours and the texture. I like it a lot.
Well done again! You have a brilliant creative outlook.
You must do better phamaceuticals than the rest of usI was thinking that I need what ever Steve has over there.
You may have a point. Something that always sticks with me is the memory I have of early mornings at my Grandparents house. My Grandfather worked in the galvanising shop at the wire works and when he worked the early shift we would have breakfast with him. He always had the kitchen door open regardless of the weather. The smell from outside was the overpowering but some what evocative smell of the brewery, the soap works, the Mersey and the smell of coal fires. Couple these with his woodbine cigarettes and its no wonder I see apples with eyes. Even when I was a kid the soap works discharged waste into the Mersey. The outflow caused a profusion of pink or white bubbles . If the wind was blowing in the right direction it would cover Mersey Street and Bridge Street in a couple of feet of soapy masses of bubbles. It is different now and a Bill Oddie has been sighted onthe banks of the Mersey for the first time in140 years.We are talking Warrington UK here .... my friends tell me it's in the atmosphere, free of charge!!
Actually Raylee I think you may have planted that seed in my subconsciousness. I was definitely walking like an Egyptian - what ever happened to the Bangles anyway?I like the first version. It's more direct than the second. Were you thinking of good King Tut when you created this? I love the colours and the texture. I like it a lot.