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Thread: Are Heliopan circular POL-filters the best?

  1. #1
    Henrik's Avatar
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    Henrik Herskind

    Are Heliopan circular POL-filters the best?

    I was experimenting with my Heliopan 52mm circular polfilter, but I wasn't satisfied with the result. Found a review at saying that Heliopan makes the very best polfilters, which only confused me further.

    So now I ask you, clever ladies and gentlemen. Please compare the following two pictures.

    My conplaint is that not only did the polfilter make most of the reflections vanish, it also stole a great deal of the details in the tubes.

    The exposure of the two pictures is not exactly the same (for natural reasons - and because of AWB), neither is the view. And to be absolutely honest, I don't recall if I might have had the polfilter on in both pictures. But to my best knowledge I didn't. (Polfilters may be a wonderful thing, but they can be hard to trace in the picture's EXIF information.)

    First, without the polfilter (ISO100, 1/100, f/5.6):

    Are Heliopan circular POL-filters the best?

    Second, with the polfilter (ISO100, 1/100, f/4.2):

    Are Heliopan circular POL-filters the best?

    Last edited by Henrik; 25th April 2011 at 10:12 AM. Reason: Enlarging the pictures and adding EXIF information

  2. #2

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    Re: Are Heliopan circular POL-filters the best?

    The reason to use a polarising filter is usually to get rid of reflections, so no surprises there.

    To be honest, I don't see loss of detail with the polariser, but that one does seem slightly soft on the tubes.

    As for checking whether the polariser was on in both pics: if it wasn't on in one of them, you'd see a 2-3 EV difference in exposure in your EXIF data (which are missing from the pics you posted). Changing the orientation of the polariser won't give such a large shift in exposure.

  3. #3
    Henrik's Avatar
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    Henrik Herskind

    Re: Are Heliopan circular POL-filters the best?

    Quote Originally Posted by revi View Post
    The reason to use a polarising filter is usually to get rid of reflections, so no surprises there.

    To be honest, I don't see loss of detail with the polariser, but that one does seem slightly soft on the tubes.

    As for checking whether the polariser was on in both pics: if it wasn't on in one of them, you'd see a 2-3 EV difference in exposure in your EXIF data (which are missing from the pics you posted). Changing the orientation of the polariser won't give such a large shift in exposure.
    Thanks for your clarifying answer. Meanwhile I discovered, that the pictures (unlike my preview) were only thumbnail size, so you actually didn't have a chance to judge them. Now they are bigger.

    Regards, Henrik

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