Colin, give up this photography thing and do psychoanalysis full time; you're very good at it
Mary, I love the kites just the way they are and I share you frustrations and doubt.
Here's my typical photography outing:
1) Talk myself into abandoning the family for a few hours or day, accept the guilt that comes with that.
2) Arrive at destination unhappy with my timing and location, and unsure of what to take.
3) Take hundred of pics and be disappointed with 99%. "What am I doing here?"
4) Come home, happy that I went to the effort.
5) Start editing; disappointed in the majority as usual.
6) Over the next few days get happier with the results.
7) Over the next week become very pleased with some images that "I" really like.
8) Be really pleased if anyone else likes them
All this sound rather pathetic and is probably born out of believing I don't have an "arty" bone in my body. But I strike (personal) gold every now and again which keeps me smiling.