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Thread: Nikon battery purchase problem

  1. #1
    KTHXBAI's Avatar
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    Nikon battery purchase problem

    I purchased a battery for my D5000 and the shipper sent me the wrong battery.

    The one that came with my camera is the EN-EL9A, I received the EN-EL9...

    The guy says it works just the same and offered to take $10 off. here are the specs..
    the 9 is 7.4v 1000mAh, the 9A is 7.2v 1080mAh 7.8...

    Now however after doing some research I think the battery not only is wrong but a counterfeit...

    The fake is on the left

    Nikon battery purchase problem

    Notice that it says "Made in Japan" really small...

    i got this from

    Now here is the battery I recieved... finally got to use those macro fliters!
    Nikon battery purchase problem

    Now before I go accusing this guy on Amazon... Please tell me is it possible that I am wrong here? Has anyone else had problems like this?

  2. #2

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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    I haven't had any problems with batteries specifically, but I've been ripped off with "Ray Ban" sunglasses on eBay, and "Sony" memory sticks on TradeMe, so "once bitten, twice shy" for me these days.

    Hard to say from what you've said, but since Nikon give some very specific differences - and you have both old and "new", I'm thinking you're in the best position to work through what Nikon have written, and judge for yourself (I can't tell from the photos you've posted -- the resolution is too low). Possibly - if they are fake - the best solution may be to gather the evidence, and approach Amazon with it; accusing someone in public may end up in court (rightly or wrongly). Good luck approaching Amazon though - I once got a book for a good price - and it turned out to be the "wrong" edition (kinda - the page was misleading) - man oh man was their resolution process a joke; nobody actually reads anything - they just chuck you on their automated system of boilerplate eMails and let the process run on autopilot (I just gave up in the end).

  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    Why not just return it?

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    Hi Michael,

    I have two (both 9a), one came with my D5000 and the other I believe I got through Amazon, probably from Amazon UK themselves, but if not, then a registered reseller business (not an individual).

    Both mine, comparing to the link you gave (and each other), are genuine (phew) and do have the four notches in the hologram sticker and the label is same as the battery body colour, etc, etc. I have to say your recent arrival does look suspicious to me

    a) You need to get a genuine battery, of the correct type*
    b) If the seller is up to no good, prevent it happening to anyone else

    I think I would raise your concerns with Amazon first - advise you intend to seek a refund from the seller and see what they say - they might want to have you send it to them instead (as evidence), if so, I'd suggest asking for an immediate goodwill recompense of the amount you paid, so you're not out of pocket, or the dispatch of an ELN 9a from a reputable source. They will have a desire to ensure their reputation doesn't suffer, so, with apologies if I don't need to say this;
    don't start 'on the attack',
    don't say you've regaled one or more forums with the problem (or in their eyes, the damage is already done and they have less incentive to help you out - but also, don't threaten that either)

    A 'Gently and politely' approach gets better results in my experience when things go wrong, as I'm sure you know by the fact you asked for our help.

    * a few more words regarding the "correct type":
    I would definitely get the 9a, no question. The D5000, when it came out, suffered a recall because there is apparently a problem with the camera not working if you take a battery straight off charge and whack it in the camera. This will probably be because the terminal voltage is too high (it could be cell temperature related, but that isn't the reason given by Nikon), so while the difference between 7.4v (ELN9) and 7.2v (ELN9a) might not seem much, it could be the difference between occasional problems and trouble free usage.

    For the record, my D5000 is apparently one that c/should be affected, but I have never had a problem - that said, I have two batteries and usually alternate charge and usage between them, with hours, days or even weeks between charge and use, although even when I forgot recently and did take one off charge and used it same day, it wasn't a problem.

    So, rather than 'be without' a camera while they fix what seemingly isn't broken, I haven't sent it off yet - I'll ask them to do it if ever it goes back for another reason.

    Hope that helps,

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    Quote Originally Posted by black pearl View Post
    Why not just return it?
    I sort of glanced over the original post and didn't see the part about counterfeit products but I would agree a return is the only safe option here.

  6. #6

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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    They will have a desire to ensure their reputation doesn't suffer
    One would think so - unfortunately - my experiences with them lead me to suspect that the first thing they'll do is (a) fire of a boilerplate email to the seller saying what you've said, and (b) give them so many days to respond. (C) regardless of what they respond with, they'll then give the buyer "X" number of days to either accept the reply, or "take it to the next step", cheerfully reminding the buyer that if they don't respond within the stated period, the matter will be considered resolved.

    It absolutely sucks - and I hope I'm wrong - and I think Dave's advice was right on the money - but personally I think I'd cure the issue with a 2-step process I use in situations like this; I stand up - take 2 steps towards the rubbish bin - and drop it in it. From what I can see, we're not talking big $$$ here, and (again, I hope I'm wrong), but I suspect that you'll probably reach a point where you'll feel that it just isn't worth the time & effort.

    Be interested to hear how you get on, and good luck.

  7. #7
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem


    I agree with Dave's plan too. I always find the calm approach works best - hell, they may end up finding out that they got duped into buying a batch of counterfeit batteries themselves. They may be innocent in all of this, who knows. Or they could have gotten duped on the batch and are still trying to unload them to make up their loses.

    Either way, I'd try Dave's plan first, then if you need to use Colin's.

    However, depending on the credit card used to pay, they sometimes have online purchase protection. I once ordered something online and the seller never shipped me anything - or if they did, they sent it to the wrong place. Either way, they were completely unresponsive to any communications - email, phone, I even faxed them something! After a while, I called my credit card company (Chase Visa if anyone cares), and they asked me a handful of questions and I had a credit for the amount on my next statement. I don't get the best rewards in terms of airline miles or free trinkets from my Chase card, but it is for service like that that I keep the Chase card as my only credit card.

    Hope you manage to get it worked out.

    - Bill

  8. #8
    KTHXBAI's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    * a few more words regarding the "correct type":
    I would definitely get the 9a, no question. The D5000, when it came out, suffered a recall because there is apparently a problem with the camera not working if you take a battery straight off charge and whack it in the camera. This will probably be because the terminal voltage is too high (it could be cell temperature related, but that isn't the reason given by Nikon), so while the difference between 7.4v (ELN9) and 7.2v (ELN9a) might not seem much, it could be the difference between occasional problems and trouble free usage.,
    Thanks that was the first part of my question, I know I kinda went off in a different direction... you answered it completely.

    I ended up contact the seller and telling him to refund my money and politely made him aware of the situation as he maybe unaware. (though I doubt it.)

    I am going to contact amazon and let them know. I will show them what i found. Hopefully this will prevent others from getting ripped off.

  9. #9
    KTHXBAI's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    Quote Originally Posted by black pearl View Post
    Why not just return it?
    Because I hate scammers! LOL! Well actually if I return it then I have to give him a reason why, If I tell the seller its the wrong one then he'll send me a different counterfeit... best just to let the elephant out of the room.

  10. #10
    KTHXBAI's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    I'd cure the issue with a 2-step process I use in situations like this; I stand up - take 2 steps towards the rubbish bin - and drop it in

    Yeah it's not the $$$ as much as it is the idea. From the time I've taken writing and searching info I could have worked and bought two. Still though it's the idea that someone tried to rip me off and the 1/1000000000 chance that it could be a grenade battery.

  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    I have been using Sterlingtek BP-511A batteries in my x0D Canon DSLR cameras for years and have been quite happy with them. I recently purchased a Canon 7D which uses EP-6A batteries and purchased two from Sterlingtek.

    I had problems with one of the batteries which did not snap into place in the camera. I called Sterlingtek and they sent me a mailing label with which to return the battery as well as a new battery within a couple of days. I am extremely happy with both the quality of the Sterlingtek batteries and with their customer service.

    I realize the problems you have had with your supplier and this suggestion is like locking the barn door after the horse is gone, but I would consider Sterlingtek as my future choice for battery purchase if I were you.

    Here are the Nikon batteries from Sterlingtek...

  12. #12

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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    If you want to pursue this seller, I would expect you'd have better luck contacting Nikon than Amazon. Nikon both would know whether it actually is counterfeit and would have a real interest in stopping this kind of thing. Neither would be true of Amazon AFAICS.

  13. #13
    KTHXBAI's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    The situation is now resolved for the most part. The seller quickly refunded my money and told me to keep the battery after I left a damaging yet true review of his store front. Oddly enough only 2 hours I left my review 2 others said they received fake Canon batteries also. I reported him to Amazon all the same.

    Tom maybe you are right maybe I'll drop Nikon a line as well. I know my situation is resolved but I just hate scammers.

    Thanks All.

  14. #14

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    Re: Nikon battery purchase problem

    When you purchase on-line, whether you use Pay-Pal or direct to the merchant with Visa/MC/AmEx you can contest the purchase since you did not receive the goods or services promised. Visa/MC/AmEX have very stringent policies and almost always side with the consumer, unless the seller has very detailed documentation that shows they did indeed follow through on their promise of goods and/or services. (My husband's business is merchant processing) Pay-Pal has pretty strict standards as well, but not as strict as Visa/MC/AmEX.

    Glad you got is resolved.

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