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Thread: Wedding HELP

  1. #1
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    Wedding HELP

    My sister is getting married in July and not hiring a professional photographer, the closet person to a professional there will be a very keen amateur who takes wildlife and landscape photos, me! Now I have a problem, I don't like meeting new people, feel claustrophobic in crowds of people and at a wedding there will be a lots of people there. So how can I take photo's that they will be proud of having? Do I just take candid shots? Do I make the most of where someone else has asked them to stand and pose, even if I know that moving them slightly will make a better shot and not just for me? Do I act like I don't care and say screw the other people that's the shot I want I'm going to get it? You can read books, magazines or look online and there are thousands of wedding photography tips but not 1 for those people who don't like being in crowds of new people.

    Thanks for any help (apologies if posted in the wrong place)


  2. #2

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    Re: Wedding HELP

    Some while ago I went to a wedding where the groom's father bought a lot of disposable cameras, handed them out to anyone who wanted one, and afterwards collected them and processed the films. The end result was good - caught the atmosphere well, got variants on The Usual Pictures, and some great candids too.



  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Wedding HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by proseak View Post
    Some while ago I went to a wedding where the groom's father bought a lot of disposable cameras, handed them out to anyone who wanted one, and afterwards collected them and processed the films.
    Now, that's clever. A brilliant idea.

  4. #4
    Ricco's Avatar
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    Re: Wedding HELP

    We tried that with our wedding.

    Just don't give the disposable cameras to your mates. You never know what ends up on film - trust me, I don't think it quite captured the atmosphere of the event.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Wedding HELP

    Hi Simon,

    Do have a read of past threads on the subject.

    The biggest thing you must do, and start now, is to set their expectations at a realistic level.

    On a more personal level, can you set yourself some targets to slowly get yourself used to shooting in crowds?
    Start small and work up gradually, it is only about building confidence - you can do it, you just don't know it yet
    e.g. not sure whether my uk based suggestions will help (where-ever you are), but;
    start at a small tourist attraction, where there are a few others with cameras
    ~ insert other ideas here ~
    move on to say a village fete
    ~ insert other ideas here ~
    observe a wedding at the same church(?) or registry office(?)

    Hope that helps and welcome to the CiC forums from ...

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