My sister, youngest son, Toby, and I went to the Vermont Institute of Natural Science, yesterday. They have a wonderful raptor center where they nurse and/or care for raptors who have been injured.
This Barred Owl (which I am, oh, so disappointed to learn is not a bard owl - all these years, I thought....) was a thrill to spend 15 minutes with. So beautiful with the greatest, sleepiest, mellow personality. I'm really in love! He wasn't able to pass his test to hunt for food and is possibly a little blind from his injury; so, he may be a long term resident.
#3 He and his handler had such an incredible rapport, the whole time.
#4 This little girl was absolutely captivated.
I would appreciate any input on these photos. Post processing seemed tricky, this time, for some reason. Then, one would think, standing RIGHT THERE that it would be any easy shot but...