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Thread: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

  1. #1

    Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Well it seems tulips are the new ducks on CiC. I thought I best get this one in before I start slagging off the tulip ticklers. I believe my name is mud in duck circles I can't pass a duck pond without being quacked at - and thats just the gentlemen who wrap their white lenses in cute little camo jackets - god knows what the ducks think. I am as popular as Elmer D Fudd down the local reservoir.

    Nearly as Bad as Ducks

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    But just keep an eye out for the killer tulips as well.

    Brilliant stuff. An image only you could have produced.

  3. #3
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Yep it's sort of like "I mentioned a Duck once, but I think I got away with it"

    anyway I digress - what I really got up at 6am to say was - this is terrific.
    It reminds me how it is not necessary to take or show toooo many - when 1 outstanding shot is best!
    (when I get an outstanding shot - one day maybe, I hope )

    It also just works so well - with the 4 tulips - I always like odd numbers for positioning and composition - but that just goes to show how dull and boring I must be.
    It's great Steve

  4. #4

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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    It's a happy image... it's looks as if they are dancing and... I like the grass, the shape of the tulips and... sigh... they are pink. What's not to love about pink?

  5. #5
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Hey - when the images are of such caliber, I wouldn't mind if we kept shooting tulips all year long.

    - Bill

  6. #6

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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Quote Originally Posted by ktuli View Post
    Hey - when the images are of such caliber, I wouldn't mind if we kept shooting tulips all year long.

    - Bill
    I would love tulips all year long when they look like Steve's.

  7. #7
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovelucydog View Post
    I would love tulips all year long when they look like Steve's.

    Though mine could use a little love... I'm amazed that my pink one didn't earn some Mary-praise...

    And let's not forget Paul's stunning contribution or Katy's creamy soft bokeh'd one, or Rob's selection - both G Rated and the more questionable - and of course, Elise's creative treatment or Chris' early example (with that Florida head-start!), and Brian's both open and closed, or John's variagated examples, and Steve's (S) brilliant red...

    Whew! Quack quack quack. But I still say, keep 'em coming.

    - Bill

    PS: Steve - hope you don't feel I've hijacked your thread, but I thought having one place linking back to the others might be kind of fun...

    PPS: Everyone else, if I missed your tulip thread (and Steve's ok with it), PM me your thread and I'll get you added to the list. Though I am running out of adjectives.

  8. #8
    rob marshall

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    It could be worse. It could have been swans...

    Excellent shot, Steve. Beautifully executed. It has your own inimitable stamp on it. Not to mention the bar code!

  9. #9

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    I think they're awfully pretty, too. I love your glowing grass. I don't think it's possible to get tired of flowers - even tulips - otherwise, we wouldn't keep planting them, etc.. right? Right....??? (Anyway, I hope not because we're just at the crocus stage, here.)

    So.... I'm slow but catching on.... you have a "Loony Tunes" thing?

  10. #10
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Nice work Steve. I like the composition here.

    And Bill....Thanks for the mention.

  11. #11

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Thank you all for your positive comments. This is an outdoor shot in bright sunlight (at least the petals were). Spot metered off the petals to throw the background into darkness and a quick dab with the black dropper in Levels to get that uniform blackness. Vibrancy of the flora is then returned with a little tonal curve manipulation.

    "I mentioned a Duck once, but I think I got away with it"
    It has been noted.

    It also just works so well - with the 4 tulips - I always like odd numbers for positioning and composition
    Broken rules are the bits that the successful photographers would rather us not know about. I did not think about the three thing it looked right so a snapped it

    PS: Steve - hope you don't feel I've hijacked your thread, but I thought having one place linking back to the others might be kind of fun...

    PPS: Everyone else, if I missed your tulip thread (and Steve's ok with it), PM me your thread and I'll get you added to the list. Though I am running out of adjectives.
    Feel free to tiptoe through my tulips Bill. It a good idea to link similar subject matter it is a good way of demonstrating the diversity of styles ...but STRICTLY NO DUCKS

  12. #12
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Feel free to tiptoe through my tulips Bill. It a good idea to link similar subject matter it is a good way of demonstrating the diversity of styles ...but STRICTLY NO DUCKS
    Haha! That sounds like a challenge to get one hidden in many more images...

  13. #13
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    classic - ducks amidst the tulips - Get to it gang!

  14. #14

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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    firstly, Steve I love the Tulips, and I thought you might like this one. I don't have tulips here yet but how about DaffyDill and Daffy Duck. Terrible shot, but I was looking out the window when I saw a pair of ducks had landed in the back yard. I immediately thought of you and grabbed the camera. I do wish the tulips were up.

    Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    And then if you can bare to look really close you will see another of your favourites. Sure wish I could get a decent shot when I'm in a rush.

    Nearly as Bad as Ducks

  15. #15

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Oh, Wendy, I'm so jealous! I've had my eyes absolutely peeled for ducks in tulips.

  16. #16

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Thank you Wendy as ducks go he's very pretty. Just to prove that I did not miss that vital duck phase in my development.....But I knew I had to stop. I could always have good night out on two ducks when I first started ducking - but it gradually became habit forming and before you knew it I was on 8 ducks a night and another 2 ducks before breakfast. I was in denial of course and I would hide ducks in the toilet cistern and take a few ducks before going out so people did not think I was a sad little ducker. In the end I ended up in the police cells for ducking in a public place. I knew I had to get help and went to a ducking support group. There were lots of like minded people there with camo jackets and wide brimmed hats - but even so I still felt highly embarrased when I had to stand up for the first time and announce to the world that "my name is Steve and I am a ducker". Eventually I could begin to socialise again without having to have a duck. I am quite happy to sit there with my 200mm these days and be content with a quick Phalacrocorax aristotelis

    Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    But unfortunately I am going to have to duck off for the time being

    Nearly as Bad as Ducks

  17. #17
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    I don't have tulips here yet but how about DaffyDill and Daffy Duck.
    This is one of those threads that looks as if it's going to get very silly!!

  18. #18
    rob marshall

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post

    Nearly as Bad as Ducks
    One-legged plastic flamingos from the local garden centre don't count...

  19. #19

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    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Thank you Wendy as ducks go he's very pretty. Just to prove that I did not miss that vital duck phase in my development.....But I knew I had to stop. I could always have good night out on two ducks when I first started ducking - but it gradually became habit forming and before you knew it I was on 8 ducks a night and another 2 ducks before breakfast. I was in denial of course and I would hide ducks in the toilet cistern and take a few ducks before going out so people did not think I was a sad little ducker. In the end I ended up in the police cells for ducking in a public place. I knew I had to get help and went to a ducking support group. There were lots of like minded people there with camo jackets and wide brimmed hats - but even so I still felt highly embarrased when I had to stand up for the first time and announce to the world that "my name is Steve and I am a ducker". Eventually I could begin to socialise again without having to have a duck. I am quite happy to sit there with my 200mm these days and be content with a quick Phalacrocorax aristotelis
    from 8 ducks a night to a quick (ahem) Phalacrocorax aristotelis... So sad

  20. #20
    rob marshall

    Re: Nearly as Bad as Ducks

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    from 8 ducks a night to a quick (ahem) Phalacrocorax aristotelis... So sad

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