wow!!love the ultra wide look of #1 and love the lighting in #4
what ISO did you use? did you add light for #1?
was it available light only for the rest of them?
ISO 3200 on all of them. #1 I was holding a flash bounced off ceiling in my left hand; the rest are available light.
well well ! finally my favorite category picsthe bounce flash is visible tooo much
shooting in available light would have been more realistic
cuttiing of the guitar front,the head,the hand should have been avoided
its creating a disturbance in composition,and the storyline
but still the pics are colorful,attractive, and well shot in lot of ways
Is number1 iso1600 or iso3200? I don't know if my exif viewer gone wrong. I use firefox with fxif and exif viewer, usually it's ok but sometimes stuff is missing.
really like them too, had a look through some of the others in the gallery but not all (you have quite a lot I notice). I presume you still photograph concerts?
I followed the pic location links to the other music photo albums and thought many here would be interested if you haven't posted them already. Look forward to seeing more![]()
Nice work Henry,
I like the use of flash in #1.
In this type of predominently tungsten lighting, try putting a yellow filter over the flash.
I've got CTO gels for weddings, but I think sometimes they tend to make the light look too cool and stark (once it's white balanced). Most of the time I like warm backgrounds better. It just depends on the scene and the mood.
The whole point of shooting bands for me is to keep it fun and easy (I don't shoot big concerts, just local bar stuff). That means keeping the gear simple, and working with what I find. Besides I like all the crazy colors. These aren't normal tungsten bulbs, they are colored stage lights. I've suggested to the sound guy to try some other colors besides red and yellow, but they like those hot colors I guess? The rest of the lights in the bars are tungsten, neon, florescent, and even UV. I'd need a stack of gels, and it would start being too much like work!![]()