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Thread: Hi

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Gloucester UK
    Real Name
    John Wright


    Hi. My name is, as posted,-John. I live in Gloucester UK and I came across this site a couple of days ago after googling for info. on a subject that causes me some grief-hyperfocal length /Dof. I now have a Dof App. on my iPod.

    I've been struck by the friendliness of the few threads/posts I've read through and helpful advice along with encouragement for those new to photography and I'll be trawling through the tutorials and ' problems with advice' threads and contributing photos of course.

    I took up photography seriously (but still just a hobby) in 2007 when in October of that year I moved on from my Canon EOS 300 (film) to I my first DSLR which was a Canon 350D which came with the old 18-55 lens which I soon realised needed upgrading.I've moved on since then with the gear and sticking with Canon and I'm now happy with what I've got. My hobbies are photography and music-I create music as well as listen to just about all the categories with the exception of Modern Jazz and Rap. I have a Roland G70 for those interested.

    My photography interests are wildlife (took a trip to Mull in August 2008-a wonderful place ..Farne Islands next)) macro (flowers and insects-not Still Life nor architecture - yet) the sea - I travel to the North Devon coast -Hartland Quay, 2hrs. 30 mins. drive away when severe gales are forecast, I've also got Porthleven and Portreath ,Cornwall on my radar too. I photograph the skies,sunsets, sunrise and each year travel to the US for the Spring storms. I go on May 15th. this year. Whilst there I also photograph rusty old 1950's cars and derelict Plains houses-this can be done on 'down days' when there aren't any storms around. I particularly enjoy watching and photographing of course, the evening so-called 'lightning shows' and the regular lightning with the storms. I also photograph aircraft -military and Civil and plan on visiting RAF Lakenheath and Mildenhall this summer and also an area of Mid to West Wales called Mach Loop where the RAF practice their low flying through the valleys. I'm fortunate to live only 9 miles from one,if not the, best wildfowl/wetlands Trust centres in the world at Slimbridge,I'm a member there so I can go as often as I want to for annual fee.

    One big ambition I have is to get to photograph wild bears - I'm a member of the WSPA (Libearty section)..they rescue captive bears and are trying to stop bear baiting (Pakistan) and bear bile farms (China). I think they are wonderful creatures but that will require a trip to Canada,the US or Finland.

    My achilles heel is the software, well, computers full stop..but software in general..I have Lightroom 3 and the old Adobe Photoshop CS2 which has most of what I need-I do little editing apart from the very basics-Levels etc. My photo. reading is Outdoor Photography-a monthly magazine.


  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Hi

    Sounds like you're in for a good start, John. Welcome to CiC.

  3. #3
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Hi

    Welcome John, look forward to seeing your images.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Virginia Beach, VA USA
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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: Hi

    Welcome, John. You'll like it here.

  5. #5

    Re: Hi

    Welcome John..It's a great learning forum and you will enjoy it..Don't forget to participate in the mini competitions !!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Gloucester UK
    Real Name
    John Wright

    Re: Hi

    Many thanks for the welcome. I'll post a couple of my favourite photos as a sampler so to speak. I need to check on Kb size etc. if there's a guide. I'll use Tinypic. ..Ok..Just found someone in the last few days asking about it and using LR3. I may be able to help here too as I have LR3. It can be very frustrating when you're learning these software programmes.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Port Elizabeth, South Africa

    Re: Hi

    Hi John,
    I joined last year when I joined many photography clubs, but whereas all the rest now leave me a bit cold, I still enjoy this site. It really is like a family. So with that I hope you feel the very warm welcome.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Gloucester UK
    Real Name
    John Wright

    Re: Hi

    Thanks Di. I see people are from all over the world too so a wide variety of photos. I've started going through all the forums in-between getting the jobs done here for my wife because at the end of next week I'm off to the US for my annual chase Tour starting in Oklahoma City. I can never persuade her to join me lol. The storm structures are wonderful to see and of course they're photogenic especially at sunset and it's now the photography aspect I go for, I'm usually the only guest (as they call us) with a tripod .

  9. #9
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Hi

    John, You could well be in for a busy trip this year as we have been having some pretty severe weather coast to coast and all inbetween this year. Good luck and I for one look forward to seeing some photos from your trip.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Gloucester UK
    Real Name
    John Wright

    Re: Hi

    Thanks for that,Paul. I was thinking of posting a couple from last year before I leave on Sunday. As you'll know they can be quite spectacular. I had a mail today from a chase friend over there and he says there's a blocking pattern setting up for the whole of the US so it will be quiet for the first few days, Monday through Wednesday maybe.It's fairly quiet now with the SPC forecasting a slight risk.If you recall,2009 started off early (April) with a lot of severe weather-not like this last lot though Ugh- and then a death ridge set up for most of May. We'll see. The SPC has a new map presentation. Easy to see

    My wife and I have been to Seattle ,we flew in from Seward after one of the Alaskan cruises through the Inside Passage embarking at Vancouver.I'm sure it's there we saw a moose in the front garden of a house -eating the lawn. lol.. or maybe it was Seward. We were given a drive round the city so I think it must have been Seattle before getting the flight to Vancouver and then home.
    Last edited by JohnC; 11th May 2011 at 11:21 PM.

  11. #11
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Hi

    Yep, the moose would have been in Seward. We haave a few but in the North East part of the State. I lived in Alaska for 6 yrs and that was a daily occurance. Wake up in the morning and they would be starring in the bedroom window.

    Good luck on your trip and as I said before.....looking forward to som stormy shots.

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Re: Hi

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC View Post
    Hi. My name is, as posted,-John. I live in Gloucester UK and I came across this site a couple of days ago after googling for info. on a subject that causes me some grief-hyperfocal length /Dof. I now have a Dof App. on my iPod.

    I've been struck by the friendliness of the few threads/posts I've read through and helpful advice along with encouragement for those new to photography and I'll be trawling through the tutorials and ' problems with advice' threads and contributing photos of course.

    I took up photography seriously (but still just a hobby) in 2007 when in October of that year I moved on from my Canon EOS 300 (film) to I my first DSLR which was a Canon 350D which came with the old 18-55 lens which I soon realised needed upgrading.I've moved on since then with the gear and sticking with Canon and I'm now happy with what I've got. My hobbies are photography and music-I create music as well as listen to just about all the categories with the exception of Modern Jazz and Rap. I have a Roland G70 for those interested.

    My photography interests are wildlife (took a trip to Mull in August 2008-a wonderful place ..Farne Islands next)) macro (flowers and insects-not Still Life nor architecture - yet) the sea - I travel to the North Devon coast -Hartland Quay, 2hrs. 30 mins. drive away when severe gales are forecast, I've also got Porthleven and Portreath ,Cornwall on my radar too. I photograph the skies,sunsets, sunrise and each year travel to the US for the Spring storms. I go on May 15th. this year. Whilst there I also photograph rusty old 1950's cars and derelict Plains houses-this can be done on 'down days' when there aren't any storms around. I particularly enjoy watching and photographing of course, the evening so-called 'lightning shows' and the regular lightning with the storms. I also photograph aircraft -military and Civil and plan on visiting RAF Lakenheath and Mildenhall this summer and also an area of Mid to West Wales called Mach Loop where the RAF practice their low flying through the valleys. I'm fortunate to live only 9 miles from one,if not the, best wildfowl/wetlands Trust centres in the world at Slimbridge,I'm a member there so I can go as often as I want to for annual fee.

    One big ambition I have is to get to photograph wild bears - I'm a member of the WSPA (Libearty section)..they rescue captive bears and are trying to stop bear baiting (Pakistan) and bear bile farms (China). I think they are wonderful creatures but that will require a trip to Canada,the US or Finland.

    My achilles heel is the software, well, computers full stop..but software in general..I have Lightroom 3 and the old Adobe Photoshop CS2 which has most of what I need-I do little editing apart from the very basics-Levels etc. My photo. reading is Outdoor Photography-a monthly magazine.

    Hi John!

    Read your text and got to say that if you're planning to go to take pictures of wild bears, so i prefer go to Finland, Kuhmo. Never been there for shooting bears but visited once. I've heard all good about it and many people been there for taking pictures of wild bears. I've been thinking to go someday cos It'd be nice to go and see those beasts in wild..

    here is one website

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