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Thread: The Monk

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
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    The Monk

    Hi, Taken at Tharri Monastary Rhodes.
    1Ds Mk II
    The Monk
    Thanks for Looking

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: The Monk


    I love the idea in that image, buit I wonder if the monk is actually occupying too small a proportion of the frame to have the impact that maybe you were looking for?

    The trees and foliage are, in themselves, spectacular and I wonder if it is dominating the presence of the monk in the image too much?

    By way of what I mean, and I hope you accept my doing this for the purposes of illustrating it, maybe this redresses the balance a bit. Something for you to consider. This is a square (1:1 crop) using your right hand and bottom edges.

    The Monk

  3. #3

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    Re: The Monk

    Hi, Thank you for the comments Donald, I don't mind the crop and yes it does bring the monk more into the picture, as for the the trees I just thought as I only just got the camera and wanted to see what it would produce, all I did was a little colour balance with curves and am pretty pleased with the result, but then it's my photo

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: The Monk

    Yes my initial thought was to consider a crop.

    As an alternative to Donald's version, if you want to show more of the overall scene, would be to crop just a little from the top and left side. Just leave the left hand vertical wall and remove part of those railings.

    But I think this is a case of needing two versions of the same photo, there isn't just one correct answer here.

  5. #5

    Re: The Monk

    I really like the photo either way but i think without the crop is slightly better, as if telling a story of the monk rather then just another picture of a monk.

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